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Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Sort OneNote 2010 Sections
« on: August 03, 2010, 01:54 PM »
As a heavy user of OneNote, I am generally happy with the 2010 version. One of the drawbacks is that most add-ins, written for the 2007 version, no longer work for notebooks in the 2010 format, or are unreliable. I am beginning to get familiar with programming for OneNote 2010 and trying my hand at some utilities myself.

The OneNote utility I am sharing here is "OneNote 2010 Sort Utility". I found that the existing one by Daniel Escapa does not work for my 2010-formatted notebooks.
This utility sorts sections within notebooks and section groups and and (sub)pages within sections. The sorting can be done by name or lastModifiedTime, ascending or descending, and can be done recursively (for sections in section groups in the currently selected notebook or section group, etc) or not. The sorting routines respect subpage structure. For some reason, the section groups themselves apparently cannot be sorted.

I have only been able to do limited testing, but the utility appears to work well, also for notebooks stored on SkyDrive, as mine are.
I hope some gallant souls are willing to try this out and give me some feedback.

The zip-file contains a setup file. Just install and run and you get a treeview of your notebooks. Browse to the notebook, section group, section or page whose sections or (sub)pages you want to sort and press the button.

Requirements: .NET Framework 4, OneNote 2010.

Jan Roelof



QuickNote is a small utility I have written that makes it possible to quickly create Microsoft OneNote notes, without using Microsoft OneNote itself. For instance, say that you are working in Microsoft Word and you suddenly remember that you still need to plan a meeting with Peter. To turn this into an OneNote note, normally you would switch to OneNote, go to the proper notebook and section, create a new page, type the note, and switch back to Word. Using QuickNote, you simply hit the Win-R hotkey and type "note Plan meeting with Peter". You never even leave Word.


I use OneNote in my implementation of David Allen's "Getting Things Done". I have a section called "Inbox" in a notebook "GTD" where I capture all kinds of stuff for later processing. This utility makes it easy to quickly capture any random thoughts, inspirations and ideas to my GTD Inbox.

Installation and Prerequisites

  • The archive contains just the executable itself: note.exe, a config file and a readme file. Extract the executable and config file to a folder in your path, for instance the Windows folder.
  • This utility was written for OneNote 2010. Both OneNote 2010 and the .NET Framework 4 must be installed.

Basic usage

To use the utility, hit Win-R to get a command prompt, and then type something like: "note This is a note" (without the quotes). This creates a new OneNote page in the "Unfiled notes" section, with the title "This is a note".

The following switches are available:
/d or /disp or /display   Display the note  in OneNote after creating it
/s or /sect or /section   Specify the section where this note should be put
/set or /setting or /settings   Display the settings window
/h or /help or /?   Display some help

The following settings can be changed through the Settings dialogue (note /set):
  • Beeps: whether or not the system should beep to confirm note creation.
  • Confirmation dialogs: whether or not note creation is confirmed with a message box.
  • Target Section: the section where notes will be created by default.


note Plan meeting with Peter
note Plan meeting with Peter /disp
note Plan meeting with Peter /section todo
note /set


Find And Run Robot / FARR alias: Quick Outlook Task
« on: July 25, 2008, 12:57 PM »
I use Outlook tasks quite a lot, for serious tasks, to-do lists, but also quick reminders. Today I stumbled across "QuickOutlookTask", a small command-line utility that allows you to quickly add an Outlook task. You simply type something like "do new outlook task" (command line, or Windows Run) and this creates a new Outlook task with subject "new outlook task". Outlook needn't even be running. See http://www.megalab.i...articoli.php?id=1288.

Well, a couple of days ago I discovered FARR and quickly fell in love with it (kudos, mouser :Thmbsup:) and I wanted to have this through FARR. So I wrapped this functionality in a FARR alias, and this is my attempt to pass it on to you.

Please extract the files in the zip-file to AliasGroups\Installed in your FindAndRunRobot installation folder. You should now have a FARR alias "do" and should be able to create an Outlook task by hitting your FARR hotkey and then typing "do something" (sans quotes). I  hope I am doing this right, because I am new to this game.

PLEASE NOTE:  The latest version of QuickOutlookTast is available at

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