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Topics - blackcat [ switch to compact view ]

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Post New Requests Here / New words/quotes keeper
« on: October 10, 2011, 12:55 AM »
I've been looking for this type of software for a long time but I haven't found one that doesn't either bog down my system with bells and whistles that I would never have a need for or want me to pay for 50 bucks for something that does a simple job like this. :(

I just need it to be small and simple to use, and uses sqlite to store data. Having support for basic rich text format like bold, italic and underline would be nice. I could probably whip you up a gui mock-up how I want the app to look like later  :)

I imagine this would also be very useful for language learner or people that need a systematic way to keep and organize their collection of new words they just learned.

Not sure if this kind of request can be made here  :-[ I'd like to request for a small modification to be made on KeePass Password Safe classic.

Basically, I want to add Group column in the column header that will display the group name in which password entries are stored. Often time when I search for a password entry, it's hard to distinguish entries in the search results at glance without their group name showing.  :down: Also remove the hot-tracking and hover effect on the listview.

Program source can be downloaded here:

Thanks in advanced

Is this possible? Can we search for all text files that contain trailing spaces and batch remove those trailing space in all files? Yea using regex, if that is the only way to do it. And also regex rules to replace those spaces. I think im going to use "Find in files" feature in notepad++  :D

Any idea or suggestions?

General Software Discussion / Redirect screen output to clipboard
« on: November 13, 2008, 07:00 AM »
usually we redirect output on command prompt screen to file eg dir /b /s >c:\filelist.txt but is there way to redirect those output directly to clipboard?

Post New Requests Here / Auto Resize Taskbar
« on: November 03, 2008, 08:37 PM »
there's a time when we open too many programs they will start to filling up our taskbar then we are force to resize the taskbar just so those taskbar buttons become manageable again. Can you write a program to automate this when there are too many taskbar buttons in the taskbar and resize it back to the normal size when there are just few taskbar buttons after we have close some of them

General Software Discussion / NirSofer Updater?
« on: August 27, 2008, 04:32 PM »
I've seen SiSetup, an updater program for sysinternals tools but i've never found updater for NirSofer tools. Is there such program?

how to copy the normal target link of Generate password bookmarklet in this page?

when you hover your mouse pointer over the link, you see the target link is shown normally in the status bar. but when you try to copy it you get a link with bunch of %20%29%%%

any addon for this?

Living Room / Searching for a site
« on: June 30, 2008, 06:17 AM »
long time ago i found a site which let you browse all sites in feeds from popular websites like, digg etc by dates. sites in those feeds are captured everyday and displayed to you in flash. anyone know what's this site? i can't recall the site address but it sounds like fishley/fishey

Post New Requests Here / Hide menu in Start Menu
« on: May 24, 2008, 11:30 PM »
Hello. I have a long list of start menu and i want to hide some of them to make it shorter. i could just use 'tidy start menu' but it doesnt hide menu instead it just sort the menus into group. that's not what i want.

can someone write a program that will hide main entries by changing their folder attrib. a simple program with listbox (with checkboxes)

thanks in advanced!  :)

General Software Discussion / Generate List of Files on FTP
« on: March 18, 2008, 11:41 AM »
hello. I've been spending hours of time searching for this kind of program today but found nothing about it. I need a program that can generate simple list of all files on my ftp server. Any idea is appreciated.  :)

I once found a program which will help you calculate how many cd/dvds you will need to burn a given numbers/size of files but i forgot the program name. Does anyone here know what's the program name because now i am in need of it   :)

Developer's Corner / help recompiling notepad++ plugin
« on: January 27, 2008, 04:47 AM »
hi sorry if this isnt posted in appropriate section. i have a small favour to ask. can anyone recompile MultiClipboard (notepad++ plugin) for me as i dont have any compiler installed at this computer.

i want to disable option 'auto-copy selected text' by default. just change MF_CHECKED to MF_UNCHECKED in line #207 in MultiClipboard.cpp

thanks in advanced.  :D

General Software Discussion / Print Calender on Desktop Wallpaper?
« on: December 28, 2007, 09:51 AM »
I know it's possible to print calender on desktop wallpaper :D but what program can do it? Is there any program specifically made for this purpose, rather than just a small feature in a program.   :)

General Software Discussion / MD5Summer Program that work with dir
« on: December 22, 2007, 01:46 AM »
Is there md5summer program that can generate and verify md5sum of all files in dir and subdir? Most md5summer that i've used doesnt support this function except hksfv but it tends to not work very well with dirs that have too many files so i often end up with getting ???????????????? for those files md5sum  :down:

does anyone know any command line program to kill established tcp connections? i need this tool since netstat only has the ability to view connections..thanks

i've been searching for a bookmarklet that allows me to change the title of active tab in firefox but i still haven't found it till now..actualy, i can just use addon to rename tabs but i dont want to since i've already have a lots of addons installed..if you know where i can get this bookmarklet please let me know..i also really appreciate if anyone here with good skill at javascripting could write such bookmarklet for me..thanks in advanced.

Screenshot Captor / Slow capturing using mouse
« on: November 01, 2007, 12:52 AM »
i notice there's huge capturing speed difference if i capture using hotkeys and menu..using hotkey, sc captures almost instantly but when capture is done via menu/mouse click it will take few second before sc responds and take screenshots..why is that?

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