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Messages - Conquer [ switch to compact view ]

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DC Member Programs and Projects / Re: LAN Speaker Control. :)
« on: June 19, 2011, 04:22 PM »

DC Member Programs and Projects / Re: LAN Speaker Control. :)
« on: June 19, 2011, 10:35 AM »
Here are the source codes as promised.

Nicely documented application!

Can I use this to turn OFF my neighbour's speakers?
-cranioscopical (June 19, 2011, 10:31 AM)

Haha, actually if you can install the server on their comp, and get on their network, yes....

Even better, install the server, crack on to their router and set it to port forward 8571.. connect (from any internet connection), and voila. speaker and music control :P

GUI/skin is very nice, wondering what was used for the effect?

Usually nice GUI is a cover up for poor coding but just looking at the screen shots it looks pretty solid. Nice job man! Hit me back about the GUI.

DC Member Programs and Projects / Re: LAN Speaker Control. :)
« on: June 18, 2011, 05:29 PM »
Here are the source codes as promised.

Server needs to be run on the computer with the speakers (probably best to always leave on w. speakers)

Client needs to be run on the computer/laptop doing the remote controlling

DC Member Programs and Projects / LAN Speaker Control. :)
« on: June 18, 2011, 05:20 PM »
Situation/problem - you have some monster speakers hooked up to a desktop, but want to control the speakers from your laptop in the kitchen/upstairs etc.

Solution - "AHK Remote" inspired idea - modified to work for my personal needs/housemates needs - with (basic) support for youtube, itunes.


Slight configuration (Specify location of your songs, ip address of host machine)
Mozilla Firefox (modify if path is different than mine, likely unless running Win 7. 64 bit.)

Source code coming shortly, just have to clean it up a bit.

Coding Snacks / Re: IDEA: Double-click makes a new folder
« on: September 16, 2009, 07:58 PM »
maybe it's time a new updated version is written from scratch, with additional features such as Vista support & so on. ;)

you have my complete permission to get started :D

Coding Snacks / Re: IDEA: Double-click makes a new folder
« on: September 15, 2009, 04:14 PM »
sorry I used the no-decompile switch when i compiled it.

but I heard theres a way to get the source code back even without the password.

Coding Snacks / Re: IDEA: Double-click makes a new folder
« on: September 14, 2009, 02:57 PM »
Conquer, would you mind recompiling this without UPX compression?  That would solve the issue for all the folks that are getting the false positive.
Sorry it was like 8 months ago I didn't keep the source or I would have re uploaded already.

Coding Snacks / Re: IDEA: Double-click makes a new folder
« on: September 04, 2009, 06:43 AM »
re Directory maker, my antivirus (outpost) tells me that Directory maker.exe contains a trojan called
"DR binder.ALI"   I suppose this is a false positive?

Yes its a false positive. Probably from the UPD compression used.

Coding Snacks / Re: Run a bat-file on system shutdown
« on: August 27, 2009, 11:12 AM »
I'm looking for a application that can run a bat-file when Windows Vista is going to shutdown/restart.

Does a application like this exist or would anyone like to create it?  :-*
here. it will run any program just edit the settings.ini file.

to make the program run on startup, place a shortcut
(not a copy of the program) to your startup folder.

program attached!

Coding Snacks / Re: IDEA: Double-click makes a new folder
« on: August 27, 2009, 11:11 AM »
I wrote it for windows Xp, sorry I don't have a vista machine to work with.

Boliboli, about your comment; You need to change your folder options so only the name of the folder is shown in the window's title I believe. I deleted the source long ago so I'm not sure but give that a try.

For me I was able to use the script in any folder with no problems, but my computer is also the computer the program was designed for :/

Coding Snacks / Re: IDEA: Double-click makes a new folder
« on: February 14, 2009, 12:52 PM »
You're very welcome

cough cough

Coding Snacks / Re: IDEA: Double-click makes a new folder
« on: February 13, 2009, 02:41 PM »
The delay of your double-click isn't relevant, it shouldn't have any effect.

Nothing should be taking you to the folder above because the only keystrokes that get sent to the explorer window are {AppsKey} (opens the right click menu) w (selects New>) and {enter} (selects new folder)

I can make it so you can double click slower if needed.

The context menu shouldn't show for more than 1/4 of a second.
I can try increasing the delays in the script if you think your computer is slow.
(The time between opening the context menu and sending the keystrokes - if your computer lags when right clicking, the script won't correctly create a new folder - I might try a new approach later)

Coding Snacks / Re: IDEA: Double-click makes a new folder
« on: February 12, 2009, 02:34 PM »
That's weird, it worked fine for me. If your computer has some lag, maybe increasing the delay in the script will help. Have you tried both with and without the Config.txt file in the script's directory?

Try both and let me know the results and a detail on exactly what happens when you try the double clicking.

I'll try to modify the script's delay if needed.

Coding Snacks / Re: IDEA: Double-click makes a new folder
« on: February 10, 2009, 03:29 PM »
Compiled script uploaded.
- The file name is selected after it is created so you can easily rename it
- You can choose if you want the script to create text files or folders (text files are created by default - see the Config.txt file thats in the zip)

Sorry but I couldn't figure out a way to work with the desktop (wasn't sure how to detect if a file was or wasn't selected on the desktop)

Coding Snacks / Re: [REQUEST] Review "Mr. Ping"
« on: December 05, 2008, 01:48 PM »
If ConnectedToInternet()
   Msgbox, An internet connection is currently detected.`nPress OK to exit the program.
   Msgbox, An internet connection was not detected.`nPress OK to exit the program.

ConnectedToInternet(flag=0x43) {
Return DllCall("Wininet.dll\InternetGetConnectedState", Str,flag, Int,0 )


; Ctrl+X Exits


CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
Black    = 000000
Green    = 008000
Silver    = C0C0C0
Lime       = 00FF00
Gray       = 808080
Olive       = 808000
White    = FFFFFF
Yellow    = FFFF00
Maroon    = 800000
Navy    = 000080
Red       = FF0000
Blue       = 0000FF
Purple    = 800080
Teal       = 008080
Fuchsia    = FF00FF
Aqua    = 00FFFF

hh := A_ScreenHeight - 51
ww := A_ScreenWidth / 3
ColorChoice = Black
LineWidth = 11

Gui 2: Color, black
Gui 2: Add, Button, Default x-100 y1 gokbt,
Gui 2: +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption
Gui 2: Add, Edit, vword x20 y1 w%ww%,
 Gui 2: Add, DropDownList, w80 x+20 y1 choose2 vColorChoice gchange, Aqua|Black|Blue|Fuchsia|Gray|Green|Lime|Maroon|Navy|Olive|Purple|Red|Silver|Teal|White|Yellow|
Gui 2: Add, DropDownList, w40 x+20 y1 choose4 vLineWidth gchange2, 8|9|10|11|12|14|16|18|20|22|24|26|28|36|48|72|
Gui 2: Show, x-1 y%hh% w%A_ScreenWidth% h22

Gui, 1:+LastFound +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, 1:-Caption
Gui, 1:Color, FF0000
WinSet, TransColor, FF0000
GuiHwnd := WinExist()
Gui, 1:Show
Gui, 1:Maximize

SetTimer, DrawLine, 100


Gui 2: Submit, NoHide
StringLen, length, ww
Send {Ctrl down}
Send {a}
Send {Ctrl up}
Send {del}
fontsize := LineWidth * 3
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos
Gui 3: Destroy
Gui 3: Color, EEAA99
Gui 3: +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption
WinSet, TransColor, EEAA99
gui 3: font, s%fontsize% C%ColorChoice%, Verdana 
Gui 3: Add, Text, x1 y1, %word%
Gui 3: Show, x%xpos% y%ypos% w%A_ScreenWidth%

GetKeyState, state, LButton 
GetKeyState, state2, Ctrl
MouseGetPos, M_x, M_y
if state = D
if state2 = D

sleep 25
MouseGetPos, M_x2, M_y2
Canvas_DrawLine(GuihWnd, M_x, M_y, M_x2, M_y2, LineWidth, %ColorChoice%)

loop 30
GetKeyState, state, LButton 
GetKeyState, state2, Ctrl
if state = U
else if state2 = U
sleep 25
MouseGetPos, M_x3, M_y3
Canvas_DrawLine(GuihWnd, M_x3, M_y3, M_x2, M_y2, LineWidth, %ColorChoice%)
sleep 25
MouseGetPos, M_x2, M_y2
Canvas_DrawLine(GuihWnd, M_x3, M_y3, M_x2, M_y2, LineWidth, %ColorChoice%)

Canvas_DrawLine(hWnd, p_x1, p_y1, p_x2, p_y2, p_w, p_color) ; r,angle,width,color)
   p_x1 -= 1, p_y1 -= 1, p_x2 -= 1, p_y2 -= 1
   hDC := DllCall("GetDC", UInt, hWnd)
   hCurrPen := DllCall("CreatePen", UInt, 0, UInt, p_w, UInt, Convert_BGR(p_color))
   DllCall("SelectObject", UInt,hdc, UInt,hCurrPen)
   DllCall("gdi32.dll\MoveToEx", UInt, hdc, Uint,p_x1, Uint, p_y1, Uint, 0 )
   DllCall("gdi32.dll\LineTo", UInt, hdc, Uint, p_x2, Uint, p_y2 )
   DllCall("ReleaseDC", UInt, 0, UInt, hDC)  ; Clean-up.
   DllCall("DeleteObject", UInt,hCurrPen)

   StringLeft, r, RGB, 2
   StringMid, g, RGB, 3, 2
   StringRight, b, RGB, 2
   Return, "0x" . b . g . r
Gui 2: submit
Gui 2: Color, %ColorChoice%
Gui 2: Show, x-1 y%hh% w2000 h22

Gui 2: submit
Gui 2: Show, x-1 y%hh% w2000 h22
WinSet, Redraw,, ahk_id %GuiHwnd%
Gui 3: Cancel

(Not my work)

Post New Requests Here / Re: Browser View Source -> save source via .ahk
« on: September 29, 2007, 01:11 PM »
do you know the hotkey to show the page source dialog? Ill write the rest if you do..

General Software Discussion / Re: Computer "virus"...
« on: August 23, 2007, 07:29 PM »
 :Thmbsup: AHK!  ;D

attached in my above post is now a zipped version for anyone who doesn't have an AutoHotkey installation.

General Software Discussion / Re: Computer "virus"...
« on: August 23, 2007, 06:47 PM »
What language are you writing this project in? If its AHK I'd love to contribute some annoyances :) such as the floppy disk grind ;D

Well, heres the version I finished a few days ago
#SingleInstance, Force
;SetTimer, RealTime, 1000
Active = False
Count = 0
Gui, Add, Button, w100 h25 gStart vStartWp, Start
Gui, Add, Button, w100 h25 yp xp+102 gPause, Pause
Gui, Add, Button, w100 yp xp+102 h25 gStop, Stop
Gui, Add, Text, vCountWp x10 w300 , Current Number: %Count%
;Gui, Add, Text, vCountSWp x10 w300 , Actual Elapsed Seconds: 0
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Show

BreakLoop = True
Count = 0
GuiControl,,CountWp,Current Number: 0 (Stopped)
Active = False

BreakLoop = True
Active = False
GuiControl,,CountWp,Current Number: %Count% (Paused)

Active = True
BreakLoop = False
SetTimer, CountTime, 1000

If BreakLoop = True
    SetTimer, CountTime, Off
    Active = False
If Active = False
Count += 1
GuiControl,,CountWp,Current Number: %Count%
If Active = False
RealCount += 1
;GuiControl,,CountSWp,Actual Elapsed Seconds: %RealCount%

TTS(sSpeechText, dwFlags=0)
    ;For info on the dwFlags bitmask see the SAPI helpfile:

    static TTSInitialized, ppSpVoice, pSpeak

    wSpeechTextBufLen:=VarSetCapacity(wSpeechText, StrLen(sSpeechText)*2+2,0)
    DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0, "Str", sSpeechText, "Int", -1, "UInt", &wSpeechText, "Int", wSpeechTextBufLen/2)

    if !TTSInitialized
        ComInit := DllCall("ole32\CoInitialize", "Uint", 0)
        if ComInit not in 0,1
            return "CoInitialize() failed: " ComInit

        ;Make space for unicode representations.
       wCLSID_SpVoiceBufLen:=VarSetCapacity(wCLSID_SpVoice, StrLen(sCLSID_SpVoice)*2+2)
       wIID_ISpeechVoiceBufLen:=VarSetCapacity(wIID_ISpeechVoice, StrLen(sIID_ISpeechVoice)*2+2)
       ;Convert to unicode
       DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "UInt",0, "UInt",0, "Str",sCLSID_SpVoice, "Int",-1, "UInt",&wCLSID_SpVoice, "Int",wCLSID_SpVoiceBufLen/2)
       DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "UInt",0, "UInt",0, "Str",sIID_ISpeechVoice, "Int",-1, "UInt",&wIID_ISpeechVoice, "Int",wIID_ISpeechVoiceBufLen/2)
        ;Convert string representations to originals.
        VarSetCapacity(CLSID_SpVoice, 16)
        VarSetCapacity(IID_ISpeechVoice, 16)
        if ret:=DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "str", wCLSID_SpVoice, "str", CLSID_SpVoice)
            return "CLSIDFromString() failed: " ret
        if ret:=DllCall("ole32\IIDFromString", "str", wIID_ISpeechVoice, "str", IID_ISpeechVoice)
            return "IIDFromString() failed: " ret
        ;Obtain ISpeechVoice Interface.
        if ret:=DllCall("ole32\CoCreateInstance", "Uint", &CLSID_SpVoice, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 1, "Uint", &IID_ISpeechVoice, "UintP", ppSpVoice)
            return "CoCreateInstance() failed: " ret
        ;Get pointer to interface.
        DllCall("ntdll\RtlMoveMemory", "UintP", pSpVoice, "Uint", ppSpVoice, "Uint", 4)
        ;Get pointer to Speak().
        DllCall("ntdll\RtlMoveMemory", "UintP", pSpeak, "Uint", pSpVoice + 4*28, "Uint", 4)

        if ret:=DllCall(pSpeak, "Uint", ppSpVoice, "str" , wSpeechText, "Uint", dwFlags, "Uint", 0)
            return "ISpeechVoice::Speak() failed: " ret


        TTSInitialized = 1

    if ret:=DllCall(pSpeak, "Uint", ppSpVoice, "str" , wSpeechText, "Uint", dwFlags, "Uint", 0)
        return "ISpeechVoice::Speak() failed: " ret

- Press start to make it start counting. It will keep going forever just as long as the script doesn't close
- The pause key is now fully functional
- There is also a little counter at the bottom that displays the current number.
- And one more thing - hotkeys. Alt+P to pause counting, Alt+S to stop counting

Known Limitations:
- If the script is counting a very large number (ex. one trillion, ten billion, one million, ten thousand, three hundred and fifty four.  ;D ) the script will take a few seconds to pause/stop (it will first finish saying the current number)

Lmfao I actually made it! Still fixing minor bugs

 :huh: Looks pretty complex for AutoHotkey if you ask me.. Try Skrommel  :)

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