I wrote scripts to split large audiofiles (mp3/ogg) in smaller parts with the "same" timelength. The script search an directory for audiofiles and then make a cue list to split each in a new folder.
In the cutlist the parts have the same length, but mp3splt searches for the best splitpoint (silence) in the region. With this logic there are no hard brakes in an audiobook.
There is also a script which moves/groups mp3 files to different folders based on the playlength. It start with the first file of a folder and moves it to a subfolder until a time treashold is reached, then starts a new folder. I used a different program to get the timelength for this script than for the split script, because the other program results sometimes in wrong time information.
The scripts are far from perfect, but maybe some one find them useful and maybe some finds the time to make a program out of it.
Whats also needed is mp3splt:
http://mp3splt.sourc...p3splt_page/home.phpmp3splt needs to be extracted in the working directory.
I hope someone finds the scripts useful