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Messages - mikej [ switch to compact view ]

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Screenshot Captor / Re: Newest version notes
« on: September 11, 2007, 05:50 PM »
I`ll check into where I`ve seen that crosshair nudge before, I don't think I`m crazy, but I`ve used so many ...

yeah, Faststone is what I was thinking of, but not in the editor as first thought. It's done in the region select capture mode, in combination with the uh-hum, magnifier, so I guess it's not really relevant to the editor screen. Unless it gives you a brainstorm idea and you can put it there, it would be nice for the pixel vision challenged.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Newest version notes
« on: September 11, 2007, 05:23 PM »
way off topic Mouser, but I just noticed your post count - 13,310 - mind boggling. I`ve no idea how you answer 13,000 posts AND do what you say you'll do in the those posts.

I`ll check into where I`ve seen that crosshair nudge before, I don't think I`m crazy, but I`ve used so many ...

Screenshot Captor / Re: Newest version notes
« on: September 11, 2007, 04:22 PM »
as you probably know you can use delete key
actually I forgot that, I rarely use keyboard shortcuts for very reason, terrible memory. Out of sight, out of mind. Well, usually out of mind anyway.

it works in non-object mode on region size and position -- looks like i need to add it now to object manipulation mode.  good idea
I should clarify. The "object nudge" works ok - I can move objects with cursor keys. I can move region areas with cursor keys. It's the crosshair nudge when selecting the region that is missing. Like when I want to crop an area right above a line, it's hard to get my mouse to select the exact spot on the magnifier I want. I believe it was implemented in Fastone for example, but now I`m not sure. Maybe I`m just imagining a feature that doesn't exist.

Everything else, sounds good. Any planned eta or just winging it?

Screenshot Captor / Re: FTP Uploader
« on: September 10, 2007, 08:24 PM »
Here is something else to try. I've used it awhile and love it. FTP's from context menu, creates thumbs if desired and creates link text if desired. Very handy

Screenshot Captor / Newest version notes
« on: September 10, 2007, 08:14 PM »
For some time now, I have been trying to find a replacement for snagit. I think it's bloated and loath the "profile" system (try to change one simple setting like file naming for 10 profiles, what a PITA). I tried SC for a few weeks awhile back, liked it, but found some problems so I stuck with Snagit. When I heard of your latest update, I was thrilled and hoped I could finally dump Snagit. But it's not to be yet.  Here are some issues I still have on WinXP

1) When selecting from tray menu, the selected menu text is left on the screenshot - see screenshot002

2) "delete object" in editor objects menu is always grayed out, can't figure for life of me how to get it working. I click on object, move it around to make sure it's selected, but still grayed out.

3) undo and object selection are still poorly implemented

4) cursor "nudge" was (I think I read) fixed but still doesn't work here ... this is really annoying, especially due to reluctance to add a "magnifier" in region select mode.

5) "magnifier" in region select mode (this has been discussed, but I still push for it in case one day you change your mind ...)

6) the "hidden" selection modes under "edit" - why no toolbar button with "multiple choice" like the "resize image" button

But even after trying every other screenshot capture program on the planet, at least I come back to Snagit #1 and SC #2. I'm hoping that some day that can be reversed.

Excellent, never seen support reply so fast! I tried SC long time ago - seems I remember it extremely buggy on my end, so I dropped it pretty quick. Now, besides the few mentions in this post, it seems very well to my liking  :Thmbsup:

(Note: I will quietly keep my fingers crossed for a “super deluxe cursor key assisted regional magnifier thingy” to slowly wind its way to some priority list, for those of us who are just too stubborn to be converted to the “Full screen/crop” crowd.)

Ah, OK - makes me think me losing me mind  :o So they are actually called cursor keys - all these years, now I know. (that‘s what happens being self-taught on computer)

By the way, one other thing I noticed, is that the object options on the right side panel don’t keep their settings after close.  Another bug, or not implemented to begin with? v2.32.02

Quite frankly, I hadn’t thought of doing it that way, but I’ve always been a region kind of guy. I guess I like to get it right the first time in one wack - but I see your point as well.

However, what I don‘t see, is a way to ”nudge and resize the current selection by one pixel by using cursor keys“. I must be missing something obvious - not unlikely - but when I have a selection and use the keys trying to adjust, nothing happens. Are we talking about the keyboard arrow keys, as I call them?

Thanks for the quick reply.

Has anyone a way to view a magnified cursor while using the “grab selected region” mode of SC? I know there are third party magnifiers out there, but the couple I`ve tried dont work in tandem with SC. With all the amazing options of SC, I was very surprised not to find one similar to what Faststone Capture has, where the keyboard arrow keys move the cursor one pixel at a time, very helpful indeed. Also would be great if arrow keys moved cursor in the main window. Other than that, awesome program, I keep finding new things it can do. Maybe I somehow missed a built in magnifier?

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