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Messages - Silverstein [ switch to compact view ]

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Guys, please heed Deozans advice (don't feed the trolls!!)

There are 2 posters on ACF who are most prolific in their posts against (and about) BearBottoms purported activities and various character flaws and Franklin is one of them.  FYI he is permanently killfiled as I have never seen a worthwhile post from him (plenty of trash talk though)
The hypocrisy in this statement is profound. On one hand, you claim to killfile, never post and lurk. In the other hand. you claim, falsely, a complete lie, that Franklin does no faith to ACF. Again, a complete lie of which you have no right to comment in the first place.

FWIW, I've been a long time lurker in ACF and can't say as I've ever seen a post from Silverstein.
That should about sum up your worth and I shall refuse to comment any further. 

To wit:

4,910  results for "ari" on ACF

I would invite any DCer to alt.comp.freeware to carry on or to surplus this discussion in an unmoderated, open forum. Perhaps you can get Bear Bottoms attention, I am having no success, not that there is any surprise in that.



As suggested by y0himba. We will now await William "Bear" Bottoms and his defence.

Only request I would have is that he implement a "What's New" or "New Additions" page for easier perusal. 

As for the rest of it.  Let this Bear guy come speak for himself.
y0himba, that is an excellent idea. I will have a post made requesting he do exactly that and will return with the link to assure the same.

It's nothing new for even the computer software greats to engage in socially-unacceptable behavior. The great Alan Turing was arrested for his then-illegal sexual proclivities, and later killed himself because he couldn't stand to bear his deviance. That in no way detracts from the awesome contributions that he made to the field of computing, and indeed to mankind as a whole.
Are you intimating that Bear Bottoms is even remotely on the equal level of Turing?

I point this out not to absolve anyone of anything. It's to show that one's personal life is entirely distinct from the contributions one makes. Go ahead and crucify Turing and anyone else whose behavior you disdain, but do it elsewhere. The topic of discussion here is computer software.
Then please, take your own advice.

I believe the topic of discussion is twofold. Does DC support the orignal posters contentions regarding the quality of Bear Bottoms website? Does DC do so in light of all evidences that DC, and I wll assume the OP, have been sorrily mislead?

Over to you.

People are getting pretty antagonistic on this thread -- can i remind the DC regulars that the way we demonstrate tolerance and good manors here, is by acting respectful and showing by example how we expect people to behave, not by going on attack.

Very true.

Nevertheless the following does sound like a threat, doesn't it?
Those like me who have Googled "Bear Bottoms' to find the truth of who he is will be directed here. If the association with an admitted drug thugger is an acceptable one to you, then so be that association, and its consequences, as they lay on your head.

Let's not stop there. Not only is William "Bear Bottoms" a self-confessed criminal, he is also part of a vicious, massive US Governement conspiracy. I speak of Iran-Contra.

Bottoms not only drug-infested our country, he was directly responsible for the smuggling of weapons and of illegal cash payments. Oliver North and Rear Admiral John Poindexter were both, as others, convicted and sentenced for these crimes which have been dubbed by the press as Iran Contra. For those who do not know...

Millions of dollars for weaponry, directly funded by the contributions of William "Bear" Bottoms by his own admissions. Keen guy, eh?

I own several companies that use contract coders, all of us are familiar with DC, it's fine reputation. I hate seeing it besmirched by association with slime.

I find that statement to be rather interesting. In order for DC to be besmirched, somebody would need to do the besmirching.

Is Silvertein implying that there will be "consequences" for DC because one of its members posted a link and comment about Bear Bottoms Freeware?
Asked and answered.


A few thoughts:

First, I think it would be nice if somebody who came in making accusations like Silverstein would give us all a little more background on who he/she is? How about a real name and verifiable e-mail address for openers? Since Silverstein has stated he is a long time poster on ACF under his real name, it would do no harm to post it here.

Second, this is DC - not ACF. If Silvertein wants to provide supporting information to backup comments or allegations, he should provide them in the posting.  DC forum readers should not have to go searching ACF or browsing unverifiable web alias URLs to find that information.
Done, several times.

Third (last time I checked) this is a country based on laws - not opinions, feelings, or secret knowledge. If Silverstein actually "knows" what Mr. Bottoms did or didn't do, then he should be talking to the relevant authorities, and not flaming about it like an adolescent blogger.
This country is based on laws, opinions, facts and, in Bear Bottoms case, his self-admission to criminality. I don't need anymore than that, you may wish more, that is your decision, you have mine.

And FWIW, being "thoroughly investigated by the ACF" isn't really relevant. The ACF is not a court, nor is it police agency.
It is highly relevant, are you not doing the same here? Making dispersions and calling into question my large amount of evidences? Of course you are as is your be wrong, in this case.

This country has recognized legal mechanisms and agencies for dealing with criminal and civil infractions. These mechanisms are based on law and derive their authority from legislation passed by elected representatives. The agencies that investigate infractions and enforce compliance with said laws, are also bound by the same laws, and subject to regulation and oversight. Anything outside of that is merely vigilantism.
Bollocks. I have no idea what world you live in but it has little to do with legal realities. I would have thought the recent spate of GOP and Donkey Presidents would have driven that kernel of untruth from any reasonably informed and thinking persons mind.

Fourth, it may come as a surprise, but there are laws against defamation.
Correct, if I am inaccurate, then Bottoms can have his day in court. if not, then he has nothing to do but hand his head in his self-admitted isgrace.

From Wikipedia (emphasis mine):

Slander per se

The four (4) categories of slander per se are (i) accusing someone of a crime; (ii) alleging that someone has a foul or loathsome disease; (iii) adversely reflecting on a person’s fitness to conduct her business or trade; and (iv) imputing serious sexual misconduct (especially the chastity of a woman). Once again, all you would have to prove is that someone had published the statement to a third party. No proof of special damages is required.

I don't know how it works in Louisiana, but up here in Connecticut, most of the statements Silvertein has posted would be considered legally actionable. And in the absence of any criminal or civil convictions against Mr. Bottoms, it wouldn't take long to get a judgment against Silvertein.
Again, correct.


In the end,  it all comes down to "put up or shut up" as the saying goes. But considering the seriousness of Silverstein's accusations, DC is hardly the place for that.
Would you have preferred that this fine forum be continually associated with such as Bear Bottoms? Why? Is DC not better off having this openly discussed as you have done at such great length?You spared no space in defaming me, did you? Why is it that of the sides you have chosen you choose to defend a self-admitted cocaine smuggler. Why? I have to ask, why?

I have answered all your questions, met you squarely, I ask that you now answer mine.

P.S. Libel and slander are legal claims for false statements of fact about a person that are printed, broadcast, spoken or otherwise communicated to others. Libel generally refers to statements or visual depictions in written or other permanent form, while slander refers to verbal statements and gestures. In Lousiana or Conneticut.

A quick browse of ACF will list innumerable threads villifying BearBottoms (and many others for that matter)

Not sure what caused the enmity certain ACFers feel about this individual but I've been a long term lurker (several years) and the ACF community seems to have been over run by a new breed of usenetters

Unfortunately it has also ceased (IMHO) to live up to any reputation it might have had as a useful source of freeware (though if your interested in name calling you might find it worth a visit...)
I would strongly disagree about useless for freeware. I would strongly agree that the exposure of Bottoms, warranted and deserved, takes an enormous amount of effort. It has been a trade-off of sorts.


I think one of the main issues here is that you're new here, coming in guns ablaze in an attempt to tell everyone how terrible "Bear" Bottoms is by reviving a 2 year old thread everybody has forgotten about (and my guess is that most people didn't even know about), linking to websites that either result in 404 or are just newsgroup conversations where anybody can say anything (i.e. they have no substance), much like you and I can have this conversation here.

I'm not saying that you're lying, or that "Bear" is a saint. But what's the point in digging up a two year old thread that has been long forgotten, and in such an inflammatory manner?
You're kidding me.

Whether the thread is old, I am new or the moon is setting in the eastern sky is of no consequence to the truth regarding this scoundrel. The OP used "alt.comp.freeware" as a locus, I find this despicable. I will assume even though he is from the very same town of Bear Bottoms that he is unaware of Bottoms, the real Bottoms.

To use ACF in the OP post menas I feel the strong need to disassociate the very good found in ACF with anything Botttoms.

Mouser, I request that you lock this thread. There is absolutely nothing positive that can come from it.

DC is about computer software and related topics. The background of people whose websites are mentioned here is not in our purview. We're usually pretty lenient about being off-topic, but in this case, where can the discussion possibly lead that helps us at all?

(I am not in any way associated with bear bottoms nor Mr. Silverstein)
Considering your interest in government coverups, and the quality of individuals who have worked for them

I find your post to lock hard to imagine.

Mouser, I request that you lock this thread. There is absolutely nothing positive that can come from it.

DC is about computer software and related topics. The background of people whose websites are mentioned here is not in our purview. We're usually pretty lenient about being off-topic, but in this case, where can the discussion possibly lead that helps us at all?

(I am not in any way associated with bear bottoms nor Mr. Silverstein)
DC's reputation is associated with the validity of its posts, is it not? With the quality of its coders and those who post here, yes? This thread is well on-topic, I believe.

You don't seem to understand that not only is Bear Bottoms an admitted thug, a cocaine smuggler og the highest magnitude, he also claims to be a software security expert. People who see his website, people who surf inot alt.comp.freewarw, many of those must have the highest levels of free, secure software. yet this dolt, more times than can be counted, has offered crapware. Crapware that he claims to have "tested", and has not. This endangers peoples very lives, their careers, their families and their children.

True to the drug smuggler's ethics, he doesn't care. Especially about the kids.

Perhaps you should do a background check on me buddy.
Or the rest of dcer's who are here for the love of software.

This isn't about people's crimes until it affects the software promoted or mentioned or used by others.

Pardon me for butting in mouser.

Links are not saying anything that YOU know for a fact.

Anyone can say anything about anyone ALMOST anywhere on the web.
So when Bear Bottoms admits to being Barry Seals BIL, and a drug smuggler, he is an atrocious, unbelievably gifted liar. OK, works for me.

Being from Louisiana is not a crime.
Why say what you said about KenR.

I spent 12 years in Lake Charles, does that make me an accomplice? And I never heard of what your accusations are till now.
Never said being from LA a crime, I attended school (Tulane) there, fished there, worked there on barcode programs right through Katrina/Rita. The fact that you have not heard about William "Bear Bottoms" and his career as a paid drug and guns smuggler is not my issue. It is clearly open reading.

Btw, for those who might wish to question my technical capabilities, search on alt.privacy where I have posted using my real name for years.

When making accusations like this, you really ought to link to relevant posts. And people here generally aren't too fond of tinyurls, btw.
Then, if interested, go to Google Groups and search "bear bottoms" seals. Google Groups puts out very long URLs hence the use of abbreviated ones.

Why do you care Silverstein?
How is it you know of bears site and dc?
I own several companies that use contract coders, all of us are familiar with DC, it's fine reputation. I hate seeing it besmirched by association with slime.

Very strange that Silverstein arrives here to draw attention to this thread more than two years after the most recent post. If he/she didn't want the site promoted, then why post in this forgotten thread at all?
If you think I am promoting his site, you need reading comprehension lessons. Been away at work, did a Google and found this post for the first time today on Donation Coders.

As I have said, read alt.comp.freeware or you can go to

where you can get another perspective. Or

where he admits who he is.

well if nothing else, it's interesting reading.
Silverstein can you point us to ACF threads on the issue (ACF=Alt.Comp.Freeware newsgroup for those who don't know).
This ought to do, search for yourself.

are we even sure this is the same person as mentioned in that article?
Absolutely positive. Admitted by the "freeware scientist" himself. He has been completely vetted and investigated by ACFers. Either "Bear" is a liar, a plagiarer or both.

BTW, he also stole his website design and used copyrighted materials until he was caught and exposed by ACF. Don't believe me? go to Google Groups and see what kind of ignoramus this guy is.


Although I am familiar with several freeware sites, I was not aware of this one. If you aren't either, you might want to check it out.


Freeware containing program purity (no cost, nags or bundled software) is most important first and foremost.

This site is designed to load fast and get to the point...freeware that stands out.  No ads, no requests for donations, simply a place to help set up free security compainion "suites," find good freeware, technical help, and interesting or helpful websites.   All program download links have been verified safe as much as possible.

I target programs that run on Microsoft Windows XP, though many of these programs are cross-platform.

I put my paw print paw on the Bear Ware award winners.  We could long debate the qualification of "the best" as it is used here.  Suffice it to define as a program that plays it's role very well, which could hardly be topped...but could be equaled. 

from alt.comp.freeware
Hi Ken, since you are from Baton Rouge, you will know about William "Bear Bottoms" and his cocaine smuggling background, the murder of his BIL Barry Seals. I find it strange that you would quote ACF where this issue with Bear Bottoms has been validated.


He claims to be a "freeware scientist and researcher", what he is is a fraud and a drug smuggler yet to once say "Sorry" for his participation.


Next time you wish to promote a fellow Baton Rouger, find someone who is worth the trouble.

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