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  • Monday February 17, 2025, 8:55 am
  • Proudly celebrating 15+ years online.
  • Donate now to become a lifetime supporting member of the site and get a non-expiring license key for all of our programs.
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$0.00 DonationCredits currently available in your account.
One credit = one dollar (more info).

Welcome to the micro-donation system at, which we call DonationCredits.
From this page, full members of the site can choose where their donation money goes.

Click here to make a donation to the site and get some DonationCredits to give out.
Click here to learn more about the DonationCredits system.

Find a specific user to donate to:

dollarsign If you don't wish to use the DonationCredits system, some authors can accept direct donations through paypal or similar services. Just look for a green dollarsign under their name.

Do you want to give some of your credits to this account? 
Programmer and Site Administrator
I am the main administrator of this site, and the author of Screenshot Captor, URL Snooper, Process Tamer, Find and Run Robot, Clipboard Help+Spell, Flipbook Printer, and many other donationware and open source programs.

Your donations go to paying off my school loans and allow me to spend my time improving the site and my programs.  I really appreciate it.

You can visit my software section here: Mouser's Software.

As of April 2018, I'm trying something a little different.  If you are prepared to support the work I am doing here, you can pledge a regular monthly amount via my Patreon page.

Website: Mouser's Software Zone on


 I am donating because: 



 I am donating because: 



 I am donating because: 

Knight of the Coding Snacks Section
Jody Holmes (aka Skwire), is well known to everyone at DonationCoder who frequents the Coding Snacks section.  He has created dozens of wonderful small utilities based on requests from ordinary users on the DonationCoder forum, as well as some very popular larger utilities, such as the Trout music player.

You can view most of the coding snack utilities he has written here: Skwire Empire

Website: Skwire Empire


 I am donating because: 

Alternatively: Make a direct offsite donation


Thanks for considering a donation, I don't get much and I don't do much, but most of my donations get redistributed to DC Authors: so it's a great help!

Website: Scribbled Bits


 I am donating because: 

Alternatively: Make a direct offsite donation


I am the author of the Icon Tool Shootout Review and I've designed several of the icons and badge images used on I have also created hamNotes, Data Generator, and KlipKeeper plugins for Find and Run Robot v2. I created Coin Jar Calculator for N.A.N.Y. 2008 and Color Warlock for N.A.N.Y. 2011. Donations are greatly appreciated.



 I am donating because: 



 I am donating because: 



 I am donating because: 


Thanks for thinking of donating to me!

With your support I can develop NoteMe, and my other apps further and pay for the hosting costs (~$100 yearly).

I hope one day to become a full-time independent developer.

Thanks for helping me realise this,



 I am donating because: 

Alternatively: Make a direct offsite donation

default avatarwraith808


 I am donating because: 

Alternatively: Make a direct offsite donation


Website: Tranglos


 I am donating because: 


Creator of the javascript Plugin SDK for Find and Run Robot (FARR) and other FARR plugins.

Website: Blog & Projects


 I am donating because: 



 I am donating because: 



 I am donating because: 

Alternatively: Make a direct offsite donation

default avatarnharding


 I am donating because: 


Thank you for considering a donation! I re-distribute most of my donations throughout DC, and the balance goes to a local pet rescue centre.

Website: timns' DC website


 I am donating because: 



 I am donating because: 



 I am donating because: 


I am but a humble coder who does not require much.  I appreciate all forms of support, whether they be donations, emails, or simple feedback.  

Thank you for visiting!

Website: Mindful Code


 I am donating because: 



 I am donating because: 



 I am donating because: 



 I am donating because: 



 I am donating because: 


My free portable apps: Overlap Wallpaper, Stick A Note, Source Code Watchdog, Battery Icons, Park Cursor Aside, Paste Text Like, Esc Close, Move Aside Please, Mouse Shake Menu, Delete After Days, Apps You Forgot, Active Text Notes, Tell When Done, Process Started, Merge CSV and Text

Website: Free Portable Apps


 I am donating because: 



 I am donating because: 


All donations are greatly appreciated :)

Website: Knylo's GitHub


 I am donating because: 



 I am donating because: 

default avatarkamahl


 I am donating because: 

What are DonationCredits? A DonationCredit is the unit of currency that you can use in our micro-donation system. There is never a fee or commission levied on DonationCredits, and you are encouraged to use your credits generously to reward the software authors and review writers on the site, or just to show your appreciation to the author of a forum post you particularly like. Learn more.

donateDonate now and you'll receive access to member-only discounts and member-only sections of the forum, a non-expiring license key for our programs, and an activation code that will upgrade you to full lifetime membership on the site and activate your DonationCredits, all instantly via email!