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Topics - KoenFugro [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
Finished Programs / DONE: Automatic folder maker
« on: August 27, 2009, 06:31 AM »
Hi peeps,

I have a "large problem" that can be fixed with a small piece of code...

I have 3000+ pdf files. Echt of the files has to come in a folder named the same as the pdf file..

The files are named: EBN000000001, EBN000000002, EBN000000003 enz. The folder name must be exact as the file name, however:

Some files are named EBN000000001_01, _02 etc. The files that have an underscore most come in the same folder as the master file.

So EBN000000001.pdf must come in folder EBN000000001. EBN000000001_01 must also come in folder EBN000000001.
So the folder must be made with the same name as the first 12 characters in the file name.

Then the files must be automatically placed in the right folder...
Is this easy doable?

Thanks in advance!

Coding Snacks / List of folders to be copied automatically
« on: April 02, 2009, 06:56 AM »
Hi people,

I have in MS Excel a list of folders, some empty, some not, that needs to be copied to another folder, eg s:\temp
The list of files aere in column A of excel, containing a complete path.

Is there a way that I can do this without user interaction?
I also have an Excel sheet with files that needs to be deleted, but I cannot change this in order to work...
Can someone help me on this one?

Thanks in advance!
Koen Franssen

Post New Requests Here / Notepad counter
« on: February 16, 2009, 08:19 AM »
Hi there people!

I encountered a small promblem, witch is just the same as my other posts here on this forum...
Someting need to be done, witch is very time-consuming!

I have a few hondred text files (.txt) In those text files are items registered.

It looks like this:

SH0001002006,SHB000086877,item,DEMEERN,06/02/2009,,,MN,,06/02/2009 08:41:42
SH0001002005,SHB000086877,item,DEMEERN,06/02/2009,,,MN,,06/02/2009 08:41:42
SH0001002004,SHB000086877,item,DEMEERN,06/02/2009,,,MN,,06/02/2009 08:41:42
SH0001002003,SHB000086877,item,DEMEERN,06/02/2009,,,MN,,06/02/2009 08:41:42
SH0001002002,SHB000086877,item,DEMEERN,06/02/2009,,,MN,,06/02/2009 08:41:42
SH0001002001,SHB000086877,item,DEMEERN,06/02/2009,,,MN,,06/02/2009 08:41:43
SH0001002000,SHB000086877,item,DEMEERN,06/02/2009,,,MN,,06/02/2009 08:41:43
SH0001002030,NT_ZH5496.J,registeritem,DEMEERN,06/02/2009,,,MN,,06/02/2009 09:01:24
SH0001002031,NT_ZH5497.J,registeritem,DEMEERN,06/02/2009,,,MN,,06/02/2009 09:01:24
SH0001002032,NT_ZH5498.J,registeritem,DEMEERN,06/02/2009,,,MN,,06/02/2009 09:01:24
SH0001002033,NT_ZH5499.J,registeritem,DEMEERN,06/02/2009,,,MN,,06/02/2009 09:01:24

And so on for thousends of records per text file.
As you can see there is a difference between the lines.
I need something like an automatic counter, witch counts per text file al the records who have the word NT in it...

Can someone help me on this one?
Thanks all!

Kind regards,

Post New Requests Here / Delete files listed in excel sheet
« on: February 03, 2009, 07:14 AM »
Hi there people on this forum,

We recently discovererd a huge amount of duplicate files in one of the projects we do.
This files are spreaded everywhere, so deleting them by hand is really a job I dont wan't to do hehe!

I have a file listing in excel of all the duplicate files.. there is one column in excel, with the complete path and filename for example s:\ebn scanning\sf\processed\ebn000011111.pdf

All the files listed in excel must be deleted from the hard drive.
I think there must be a easy way to do that with AHK?

Thanks in advance people!

Post New Requests Here / File labeling tool
« on: January 13, 2009, 09:46 AM »
Hi people,

I have a bunch of files, with a solid prefix and a random numer. These files are listed in an excel sheet.
The sheet has a few row's. Next to the row witch contains the original file name, is a second row, containing extra information about the file and that information must become part of the filename.

Is there a way to read out the second row of the excel sheet and apply the data in that cell to the file - names i have?
This is about 10000+ files, so i would be glad if this is something I don't have to do by hand :'( :(

So what must happen is that some program makes a file list, then compares the file list with the file names in ms excel in row 1, then paste the information in the second row to the file name.

For more information ask me!
Thanks in advance!


Coding Snacks / Automated folder maker
« on: December 15, 2008, 03:51 AM »
Hi all,

I have a a few directory's containing hundreds of PDF documents.
All the documents are in the root of that directory, but i want each PDF to be in a folder named the same as the PDF file.

This should be done automatically I, couse it is very time consuming if I do it by hand.
Is there a simple code / tool to do this?

Kind regards,
Koen Franssen

Post New Requests Here / Final pieces of program
« on: October 27, 2008, 05:34 AM »
Hi, i'am not sure if i am posting this in the right folder;
Skrommel made me this script, thanks for that :D

It is almost working, 1 crucial thing is not; the script only loops the 2 folders in the root. The loop must also contain subdirectories.
So when there is a tiff in \\sanfolder1\folder\folder\tiff.tiff
And in \\sanfolder2\folder\example\tioff.tiff

It also has to move the tiff into the output folder..

I add the script in my post, does anyone know how to loop also the subfolders?
Please help.. :o

MsgBox, EBN PDF-TIFF zoek tool v1.0 Zet de exe in de root van de te sorteren map met PDF's!

            ;Set variable for output folder

localfolder=d:\PDFS                              ;EBN Weebverzending PDF
sanfolder1=d:\san1                          ;SAN Folder1
sanfolder2=d:\san2                          ;SAN Folder2

Loop,%localfolder%\*,1                        ;Zoekt door de weekverzending
  IfInString,A_LoopFileAttrib,D                ;Kijkt of er mappen zijn
    MOVE(A_LoopFileName,sanfolder1,A_LoopFileFullPath)      ;Kijkt of diezelfde map bestaat in de sanfolder1
    MOVE(A_LoopFileName,sanfolder2,A_LoopFileFullPath)     ;Kijkt of diezelfde map bestaat in de sanfolder2




  Loop,%root%\*,1                           ;Zoekt door de root van de sanfolders
    If (A_LoopFileName=find)                  ;Als er een match is...
      FileMoveDir,%A_LoopFileFullPath%,d:\output\%find%      ;Verplaats de map naar de lokale folder

Post New Requests Here / REQUEST: Automated search and move tool
« on: October 10, 2008, 03:26 AM »
Hello people!
I am a newbie on this forum 8)

Not new on the website (love it)
For my work i have a job to do, witch is first of all very boring, second, it takes much time!

This is the problem:
I have folders witch contains 1000 folders, folders are named barcode style, ie: EBN0000012355 then EBN0000012356 etc.
Each folder contains a PDF file. These PDF files are created from tiff files. And these tiffs do have the same barcode folder name, but are standing in two different folders somewere on our SAN.

I need the Tiff's and the PDF files together. So now the steps I need to take:
1. Open the folder where i can see the folder listing of all the PDFS.
2. I copy a barcode name, the go to the 1st folder on the SAN to search, richt click, paste the barcode name, and perform a search.
3. Repeat the abobe step on the second folder on the SAN.

4. I move the folder witch comes out the search result to the dir. containing PDF's.
5. I do the same with the second search result.
6. I go back to step one.

This looks for me something that can be done asutomatically. (am i right?:-))
So, i am curious for some tips, maybe code, please help me! :tellme:

Kind regards,

I have allready tried some programs and stuff, did'nt work out..

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