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Donating is a No Brainer
Donating to your site was a no brainer for me. It is rare in computer software to see someone so dedicated to their software who also considers each and every request/comment that they receive. I find that to be quite amazing. You are also very responsive to support requests. I will be donating more in the future, because I find your software quite useful..  I use both Screenshot Captor and Find and Run Robot. I also plan to use URL Snooper in the future. I originally stumbled across your site when I ran a search on Yahoo! for Freeware Screen Capture programs. I have been a regular visitor ever since!
T.R. image

Mini-reviews on the forum

This page collects various reviews that have been posted by users on our forum. To browse a more complete and up-to-date collection of mini-reviews, check out the mini-review section of our forum here.

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AlertBear RSS Reader

So I finally decided to check out AlertBear ( Let me put it short and say that BrotherS's hype was not unjustified.
I thought I would give you a quick overview over how AlertBear works and why it might be worth your time and attention to check it out.

Screenshot below shows the stack. It slides in with a super cool animation from the right onto the screen, and slides out just as sexily.


Read the rest and see more screenshots..

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