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Desktop Coral - Clever concept
The other day we wrote about a nifty Yahoo widget called Informer that's an extremely customizable toolbar. One of the commenters, "Change", was wondering whether there's a way to reserve the screen space associated with toolbar like Informer so that other applications won't cover it up.. I spent a few minutes searching on the Internet before coming up with the free DesktopCoral.. I have to admit that this is quite a clever concept, and there are a variety of reasons where it could be useful.
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Mini-reviews on the forum

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Font Creator Mini Review

Screenshot - 10_11_2006 , 9_59_36 PM_thumb.png
Font Creator and Font Creator Pro are from High-Logic Software. They make two applications, Font Creator (for creating fonts) and MainType (for managing them).

Font Creator (both standard and pro) are designed for anyone who wants to design fonts. The standard version might be perfectly adequate for your needs and I would again refer you to the aforementioned comparison chart. I have seen other application similar in function that cost several hundred dollars more than Font Creator. All of the reviews I remember seeing on Font Creator rate it 5/5. Hence, it's one of the least expensive, very capable font development applications you can obtain.

Read the full mini-review now..

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