Mini-reviews on the forum
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Editorial Integrity
DonationCoder does not accept paid promotions. We have a strict policy of not accepting gifts of any kind in exchange for placing content in our blogs or newsletters, or on our forum. The content and recommendations you see on our site reflect our genuine personal interests and nothing more.
hamradio’s Software Works is the home of long-time DC member hamradio.
You'll find both hamradio's windows desktop tools, as well as information about his other web projects, including the fun website. Hamradio is also a talented photographer and graphic artist and sometimes helps us with site images and icons.
- Number of programs available: 13+
- Last updated: 2018
- Visit hamradio's Software Works here:
Mini-reviews on the forum
This page collects various reviews that have been posted by users on our forum. To browse a more complete and up-to-date collection of mini-reviews, check out the mini-review section of our forum here.
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BazQux Reader - Mini-ReviewBasic Info
Intro and Overview: BazQux Reader is a very fast online Web-based feed-aggregator, capable of reading Atom and RSS feeds. It shows comments to posts, able to retrieve full article text, have several view modes, search, can subscribe to Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Google+ pages and has sharing and bookmarking to popular services.Someone was asking me how I arrived at using BazQux reader, and I thought it might be helpful/useful to post this review, as it could potentially save people a lot of time (if they were not already happily using a feed-reader). |