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MiniReview: ProjectSend

Basic Info

App NameProjectSend
App Version Reviewedr561
Requirementsphp 5.2 and MySQL 5 or better - Apache 2 is recommended, though it should work on IIS
Support MethodsForums -
Pricing SchemeGNU GPL v2 - donations accepted by paypal.


Several times I've had pretty technically inept clients (friends) that want to send me files to do things with, or I want to get files to.  And in many cases, its a recurring theme.  With gmail pushing drive so files getting secured and not attached to e-mails and other avenues being either hard to use, or pay to use- not to mention, it's not hosted on your servers- it's hard to find something that just works.

Enter ProjectSend.  ProjectSend is a self-hosted application (you can install it easily on your own VPS or shared web hosting account) that lets you upload files and assign them to specific clients that you create yourself! Secure, private and easy. No more depending on external services or e-mail to send those files!

Click here to read the full mini-review now..

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