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Process Tamer Has Fans, Part Four
This is just the little program I have been searching for. It does exactly what it was developed to do. Change the priorities of certain programs as they get to raise the CPU level to an annoying point that the system slows to a crawl. By lowering and raising the priorities of certain programs at crucial times stops the system from overloading and stalling. A must have for anyone who wants to speed up their system at crucial times. [about Process Tamer]
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Board Game Micro-review: Wits and Wagers

Today's board game microreview is for "Wits and Wagers".

Wits and Wagers is a very clever mixture of trivia, betting, and social interaction.  It's fast to play, super easy for anyone, and easily supports 7 players or more with teams.

Gameplay works essentially like this:  On each round a trivia question is read that has a numerical answer.  All players (teams) write down their answer on a dry erase card, and then all answers are laid out in numerical order.  At this point, everyone can bet on which answers are correct.  In this way, even if you have no idea what the answer is, you have a chance to bet on the answers from people who you think might know.

The social element of seeing what answers others gave, and how confident they are, and the range of answers -- is all quite fun.  And the strategy and risk taking of betting your accumulated chips is very fun.

I've played this twice now with large groups -- the first time was fun but not magical; the second time -- playing with people i didn't know well, was extremely fun.

Highly recommended if you have a large group of adults.  There are special editions for families and kids (though i think it works better with adults).

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