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New Apps for the New Year 2009
New Apps for the New Year (NANY) is the motto of the Nany Challenge over at Donation Coder. It's already the second year of the challenge and lots of new software programs have been released during that challenge. To be precise: 35 new and free software programs have been released which more than doubled the count of last year. Each application can be downloaded right away from the Donation Coder website and works without registration or other inconveniences.. Comparer is a file comparison tool that can compare (among other things) all file properties. File Replicator is another interesting program. It can search for a certain file in a selected folder and replace that file with another one. Think of updating files that reside in multiple locations on the computer's hard drive.. I do not want to spoil the fun of exploring all those new programs.. It is definitely worth a visit; And who knows, maybe you find the program there that you have been searching for all of your life. Blog image

Mini-reviews on the forum

This page collects various reviews that have been posted by users on our forum. To browse a more complete and up-to-date collection of mini-reviews, check out the mini-review section of our forum here.

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Micro-review: Scapple

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I LOVE this program.  For me, it is the perfect brainstorming tool I've always been looking for.

It's easy to change the look of each element.  It's easy to put background shapes around a selection of elements.  It can export easily as images, pdf, whatever.  You don't need a "center" like most mindmaps.  It's easy to link things together with lines or arrows.  It's easy to do simple alignments of elements.

I've been looking for something like this for years.  I tried a whole bunch.  Things like Personal Brain are too fancy and complicated.  Mindmaps never worked for me at all.  Visio is too much and too hard to do simple things.  I settled on Edge Diagrammer (thanks mouser!) for a while because it was the easiest of those flowchart tools to use.  Regular notetakers and outliners are not freeform enough for brainstorming.

 :up: :up:

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