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Lifehacker Download of the Day: fSekrit
Much like previously-mentioned LockNote, fSekrit's even better because 1.) it weighs in less than the LockNote file size at a mere 40KB and 2.) it allows you to save it as a different file name for different notes. For example, you could have a passwords.exe and an addressbook.exe file on your thumb drive passworded by fSekrit without having to go through the whole save and rename rigamarole. This one should've originally gone into the Carry your life on thumb drive article.
G. Trapani at Lifehacker Blog image

Mini-reviews on the forum

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Mini-Review: Realtime Landscaping

App NameRealtime Landscaping


Realtime Landscaping is a software program for helping you design and visualize landscaping ideas.  It's used mainly to plan walkways, fences, flower beds, and other outdoor structures. 

While it has some support for 3d building model constructions, it's not meant to do interior modeling, and cannot support the kinds of detailing building architectures that the serious building modeling tools can (like Chief Architect).  However it does excel at letting you super rapidly sketch and render quite complex outdoor landscaping plans, and the 3d walkthrough rendering is quite pleasing.

Click here to read the full mini-review now..

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