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I found Process Tamer through Google because I was tired of Dropbox eating 50% CPU at startup.
Dropbox works great when you only have a few GB of stuff and only make small changes. But when you are routinely making thousands of changes to a terabyte, it slows down considerably. Anyhoo neat software from you guys and thanks.
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Mini-Review: Lipsum text generator

App NameLipsum
App Version Reviewed2.0 for Windows
Pricing SchemeLipsum is free.


Virtually any designer who works much with text will be familiar with Lorem ipsum which is filler text frequently used in page layouts. Lipsum expands on this and generates meaningless filler text that a designer can use to populate layouts for typographical work, web pages, etc. This dummy content gives a good view of how the layout will look, regardless of subject matter.

Who is this app designed for:

Anyone working with layouts that will ultimately be filled with meaningful text. In this circumstance, it is useful to deploy text that has no particular meaning, the purpose being to see whether the layout itself will be pleasing to the eye, properly balanced and so forth.

The Good

Lipsum will use text already on the clipboard if so desired. More importantly it also comes pre-populated with a variety of texts (including Lorem ipsum). Thanks to a very simple, relatively unobtrusive interface, with a few large buttons, one can choose quickly whether to use text from the clipboard or any one of the preset texts. Further, one can choose the number of paragraphs to generate as well as the length of those paragraphs. Another useful benefit is the ability to generate texts in a variety of languages. The chosen text is then sent to the clipboard  for easy pasting into the layout under construction.

Click here to read the full mini-review now..

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