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Clipboard Help And Spell is the best free clipboard I have ever used.
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Mini-reviews on the forum

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Mini-Review: Your Next Read - Book Discovery Search Engine

Web Service NameYourNextRead

Type in a book you've read and get related books whether it be books of the same author as your book or just related searches. As you can see from the screenshot, it also has a reading list.

The search is very powerful for one. I threw a rare book in it and it still discovered it (only it had no related books).

The interface is smart. Just the right clutter and options and the link is exactly where you want it, the Goodreads link is exactly where you want it... this is a testament of a site that may not be doing anything special with their lay-out but they understand where big buttons need to be, where the search size needs to's all good. I can't verify if it's the best suggested book searching engine but it's crazy good.

Click here to read the full mini-review now..

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