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Screenshot Captor - The last word in screen grabbing
With the ability to capture any kind of window in any application, Screenshot Capture is the last word in screen grabbing. It possesses all the features found in commercial screen grab application such as SnagIt, and it's totally free--though the host asks for a suggested donation of any amount,
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Mini-reviews on the forum

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MyLife Organized (updated review)

This is an update to my 2005 review that is titled "Casual User Review" and located at the following link:
Initial 2005 Review

I am still proud to say that I still use the program on a casual basis.  What I mean by this is that the program has a lot of features and options and can do very specific things, but I don't use them all.  MLO is essentially a fancy To-Do list.  That is the simplest way to describe it.  However, it takes the idea of a todo list and packs in a feature set that will allow you to really break free from the traditional checkbox task list.  So, I'll let other users comment more on the intricate features of MLO and I will stick to explaining, on a general macro level, why this program is so useful even for the casual user.

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