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Working some of their programmers to the bone
Donation Coder is working some of their programmers to the bone lately with all of the apps that are being developed! Just a month ago they released a dozen or so free programs, and this time around there are 16 new ones. Here are a few of them that really peaked my interest.
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Mini-reviews on the forum

This page collects various reviews that have been posted by users on our forum. To browse a more complete and up-to-date collection of mini-reviews, check out the mini-review section of our forum here.

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Mini-Review InfoLayout

InfoLayout is supposed to have all of the features of standard disk cataloging software.  It states that it organizes by disk, but the catalog is easily rearrangeable, categorized, and searchable, even across multiple disks.  Infolayout is supposed to be able to automatically extract information from documents, eBooks, audio and video files. It can generate image thumbnails and video previews, retrieve descriptions, create document snippets, and obtain relevant information from zipped archives...

Click here to read the full mini-review..

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