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DonationCoder's 35 Free New Year Apps
After browsing through all of the apps I have to say that there are a few that could actually prove to be useful. Here are the ones that we really like, and I'll tell you my favorite at the end of the article.. And I'll save what I consider to be the best for last. It's called JustCloseSomeTasks, and it's designed to monitor how often you're using the programs you currently have open. With a quick press of a hotkey you can see all applications that have been inactive for a specified period of time, and in a few clicks you can close them all. This is a great tool for anyone who finds themselves overwhelmed with the number of windows they have open. Congrats to DonationCoder for another successful NANY challenge, and a big thanks to all of the developers who took the time out of their busy lives to make contributions! You can checkout all 35 of the entries here.
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Mini-reviews on the forum

This page collects various reviews that have been posted by users on our forum. To browse a more complete and up-to-date collection of mini-reviews, check out the mini-review section of our forum here.

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authorPOINT Lite Mini-Reviewed

authorPOINT Lite is a program designed for converting PowerPoint files to flash files, to be deployed on the web, or  to anyone who does not currently own PowerPoint.

Who is this app designed for:
This application is designed for users who wish to deploy their PowerPoint presentations to the web or want to share their presentations with others (who do not have PowerPoint, or not using a PowerPoint viewer). Also, the Save for web feature in PowerPoint, generates pages that only function correctly in Internet Explorer.

The Good
- Easy to use interface
- Manage all of the converted presentations in one interface (left pane)
- Keeps all animation effects that were applied
- Context menu added in Windows Explorer for PPT files

The needs improvement section
- To find the files to upload to web, you will have to navigate to: C:\Documents and Settings\your username\My Documents\authorGEN Projects - no direct way to see the files.
- No way to edit the individual colors of objects in the program

Continue reading the full mini-review..

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