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One of the most advanced and innovative tool to capture screenshots that I've found
Screenshot Captor is an advanced screenshot capture tool which defies the old way of taking screenshots of your computer. Overall, Screenshot Captor is one of the most advanced and innovative tool to capture screenshots that I've found. The ability to automatically saved screenshots with predefined settings is really a time saver. Try it today!
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Mini-reviews on the forum

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Dr.Explain Mini-Review

Dr.Explain is a help authoring program with a focus on visually describing the Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) of programs. It is an excellent tools for easily creating those “Quick Start” guides that have lots of screenshots of the program and help you learn where everything resides in a program. It is also great for detailed user manuals that document all of the features and options reachable through a program’s GUI through highly annotated screenshots. Dr.Explain’s well thought-out design and intuitive workflow means even the default configuration produces attractive user-friendly interactive documentation with a minimal amount of fuss.

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