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Find and Run Robot vs.
Desktop Search
Find and Run Robot beats the pants off of other desktop search programs, including MSN, Google, and Yahoo Desktop search. This program is very fast, and has a high degree of customization regarding what files you want to search for and where to search. It does not consume hard disk space by indexing your files like other desktop search programs. Try this program out and you'll agree that it is lightning fast and probably the most useful desktop search program out there (and best of all, it's free). My best regards go out to the developers of this program.
N.B. image

Mini-reviews on the forum

This page collects various reviews that have been posted by users on our forum. To browse a more complete and up-to-date collection of mini-reviews, check out the mini-review section of our forum here.

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HovText - Clipboard enhancer

HovText is a small freeware and open source Windows application that removes any formatting from the clipboard and it also works as a simple clipboard manager. Any text in the clipboard will be pasted as raw text without any HTML code, font size, color or layout etc. HovText remembers also the last 10 copied texts (both formatted and unformatted) and you can filter out whatever text you need with regular expressions.

Some key features:
· Removes all formatting from the clipboard (removes HTML code, color and layout etc.)
· Clipboard manager that remembers the last 10 entries
· Can be activated or deactivated via a hotkey or a single mouseclick
· Possibility to remove identical lines
· Possibility to remove leading/trailing whitespaces or linebreaks
· Possibility to copy links only and choose linktype (movies, pictures, emails etc.)
· Possibility to recreate old copied text (a simple clipboard manager)
· Possibility to specify a regular expression seachstring as a linktype
· Possibility to delete all settings from the registry (no unnecessary mess)

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