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Still dreaming of your own personal robot?
Still dreaming of your own personal robot? Technology isn't there yet, but you can have a personal computer robot to save you time and serve your whims. Another benefit of FARR -- one that makes it different from SlickRun and other favorites--is that it comes from a developer at, an active site for software developers. The forums there are lively, but not too busy to keep up with. Browse through the Farr Add-ons forum to unearth old standby plug-ins and discover new ones just as they post.
L. Blackwell at PCWorld Magazine image

Drag and Drop Shell Robot is a utility to help power users easily peform operations on large numbers of files and folders.

You can create any number of configuration files by specifying a target application and various commandline parameters or options. To use the program, you simply select a configuration file and drag & drop files and folders onto the queue window, and click Start. Then sit back while the operation proceeds through your files. You can also export commands to a batch file instead of immediate operation.

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