Hi everybody,
I've been looking for a good replacement of DO for several weeks and the answer is that I finally migrated all my stuff to Outlook 2007. I have to say that I never used DO as e-mail client because I feel very comfortable with Thunderbird and/or Outlook. However, DO is a excellent manager for calendar appointments, tasks, contacts and password manager, planner, notekeeper, etc. So, I checked other software to replace basically these functions. Here is a list:
1) Agenda MSD (
http://www.msdsoft.com): excellent PIM for everyday appointments, contacts and tasks. It is very flexible, light, and it has some great and useful functions (history of records) but, on the other side, the interface is, in my opinion, not very pleasant and outdated. However, updates are very frequent and it is a cheap product. Actually, I use this program together with Outlook 2007.
2) Agenda-at-once; Time and Chaos; WinOrganizer: I've tried all these programs but I didn't find the (perfect?) equilibrium that I found in DO. So, you can try and udge for yourself. Every program has its pros and cons, it is difficult to rate them since every user would have its own opinion.
3) Rainlendar (
http://www.rainlendar.net): very nice, light-weight, flexible and simple organizer for everyday appointments and tasks. However, it lacks other functions of their older brothers (althought theprogram is not intended to replace heavy-weight organizers).
4) Notekeepers and Outliners: I'm a crazy fanatic of outliners. I've purchased TexNotes first and Pro after the update. TNP is a fantastic and flexible outliner and notekeeper but for me is too heavy (Painting and Draw functions are leftovers and, in my opinion, not necessary in these type of programs). After TNP I decided to tried other outliners (MyNotesKeeper, TreeDBNotes Pro, MyInfo, NotesOrganizer, etc.). In my opinion, the best replacement of TNP is Whizfolders Organizer (now in its DeLuxe Edition;
http://whizfolders.com/?did=mws). Very nice and flexible program, especially to take notes from the web, scracht pieces of information and, last but not least, as a cross-linking note program. Those interested in a note manager/outliner should try this piece of software. It is cheap and the supporting team is good.
In the freeware section, the old KeyNote (
http://www.tranglos....om/free/keynote.html) still has the first position in the list. It is a pitty that the project is closed down and no more updates will be released. The program is very flexible, light-weight and open-source.
OK friends, these are my findings. I didn't check e-mail managers since, as I said above, Thunderbird ad Outlook are, in my opinion, unbeateable on this field. I do hope that this brief sumary would help.
Just a final question... there is anybody out here that is still confident that GemX will be back on business?
Best regards to all, our union is our strenght.