i think it would be nice to have an little tool
for starting all this standard windows tools
and our own apps we need for administration issues.
Maybe one want to wrote something like this
or one have an link to such an tool.
Also i search for an list of all standard installed windows tools (an .CPL list i got already)
The standard folder i could read from the registry.
I think about an tool how
- have an dialog for user name and password
- read the local user names and view them for choosing
- allow domain login (dom\user or user@dom)
(like the commandline tool but with an GUI and some aid)
There should be:
- buttons to start all the standard windows apps we need for admin issues
- buttons to start the default system and user folders
- buttons to start our own tools
All settings should be stored in an INI (NO registry access)
There should be no installation needed, just unpack and use
With this tool we could work
without admin rights
and quick start an program
with admin rights (for W2k users too
Or we could work as admin
and start e.g. the browser with less rights (like DropMyRights)
I have already found an tool who starts
mostly all tools they came with windows
but have no user name box and no appility for own apps.
XP Syspad from
http://www.xtort.net/xtort/xpsyspad.phpRight now i had to make an shortcut from it
and set in the proberties "Run as other User..."
And iam in hard discusse with Dirk
to improve his own tool what cames
very near what i dream of
but he have less joy to improve his tool further more
than i instigate him till now
There is no officical web side right now any more
but an blog we "discusse" right now (i suggest and he says yes or no)
The conversation is current in german but you could stay in in english if you want.
http://www.paehl.de/blog/index.php ===>
Saturday, August 20, 2005, 06:58 PM
Welche Erweiterungen sollen in dem ...Here is an screenshot from his tool: