Thank you for the feedback fowmow.
Your suggestions are really helpful. I will do the fix when I have time. Time. I'm not sure if I can find the time. I only do Autoit on my free time (that, I don't currently have - too much pressure from my new job.)
Anyway, I'd like to answer some of your questions.
You used nothing else aside from the AutoIt programming language to create this?
but when I attempted to retrieve lyrics from one of the two sites mentioned, my firewall was not alerted to its activity in normal fashion.
I think your firewall is not alerted because the script just uses your Internet Explorer (Hidden), navigate to the lyrics sites and retrieve the lyrics from there. So it's just like you browsing to the site and copying the lyrics for the song.
simple but it works (i hope).
I can only guess that AutoIt does something a little oddball in that respect?
No. Nothing oddball.
Was ".mp3.txt" intentional or was it supposed to be "name.mp3.txt?"
It was intentional. I just want it to be named "name.mp3.txt?"
. Well the reason behind is that I was using LeoLyrics Plugin for Winamp. It's stores lyrics in the same fashion ("name.mp3.txt?") so I also named my lyrics files that way so my player can also easily load lyrics that Leoslyrics plugin have stored.
note: naming is actually like this - "media filename.txt"
What parameters are you using to search AZLyrics and AbsoluteLyrics? As it stands, I have fed MP3s with valid ID3v1 and v2 information and it finds no lyrics. I also used popular songs, both of which I identified at those sites (which means they should have been found).
What the program actually do is navigate to the site (using Internet Explorer). Internet explorer loads the webpage.
After 15 seconds the program checks back on the the page. If the lyrics is found, it displays it and saves it on a file on you hard disk. Stored lyrics are displayed the next time you play the song so that the program does not have to search for the lyrics everytime the same song is played.
However if you have a slow internet connection or for some other reason the webpage is not (fully) loaded under 15 secs then the program says "lyrics not found".
I am looking for a way around this problem. I can make the program wait until the (lyric site) webpage is fully loaded but the whole GUI freezes during the time it is waiting. Or I can set a longer time (not 15 sec) before it checks back on the webpage but sometimes, it would be impratical because I can usually load the page in less than 10 seconds. The program will still display "searching" for many more seconds when it's actually not searching but waiting until the timeout ends.
If you know Autoit, then maybe you understand why the program pauses while it waits for the webpage to finish loading.
It would be lovely if there were a method to turn off automatic searching of those lyrics sites. Or to fire them separately. As it stands, if I search one I cannot simply go to the other. I have to restart the song to search anew.
Yes it would be lovely. In fact, I have finished coding that part. I'm just not sure when I can finish everything for the next release.
Back to the network problem... something is seriously jacked in that application. I added the program to my firewalls whitelist and it made the same "unknown attempt," yet that was it. No network activity at all.
I would like to make it clear to you and everybody else. Nothing is jacked in this application.
If you want to prevent it from connecting to the internet, you can block Internet Explorer.
But there's an easier way, just close the program's lyrics window.
Please let me know if you find anything wrong (bugs) or if you want something to be added to it. Just remember, I want to keep it as simple as it is.
Thanks again fowmow