looking good!
btw, How many hours do you estimate you will have spent on the app once you release the first version? (I am thinking of learning visual basic 2005 to build apps more advanced than ahk scripts, I am wondering if it will be a major waste of my time or not )
i'd say it's about 1-2 weeks of coding now, but that includes being able to reuse a lot of code i've written in the past for other projects.
it's coded in Borland's C++ Builder by the way, but visual basic is a similar RAD type environment.
some things you are going to be able to do faster and easier in ahk, but a good rule of thumb is probably that the bigger and more ambitious the program, the better off you would be with a more large-scale programming language vs. a script-centric thing like ahk.
for me, i make heavy use of third party libraries and components (in this case im using libcurl, tinyxml, and a nice grid component called NextGrid); plus i'm a huge fan of object orientation and using classes and stuff that ahk is not really suitable for.
it's possible to use ahk to do some great stuff, but for larger programs i don't think it's the most appropriate (though it should be said that some people are clearly using ahk to do some pretty substantial stuff).