mouser, please read this

How about a PHP function locator which lets me start typing 'php [function name]' and a list of matching function is provided and when selected takes me to the website for that function (default browser). If this is easy I could provide a function list to assist.
this is a good idea
there is a way to do it without any plugins, it is cumbersome but it works :
convert the functions list to text files (1 file = 1 function), can be easily done with autohotkey for instance...
add a search folder (to the text files...) with the following modifier keyword : folder_with_php_function_text_files (<=can be shorter

add an action alias : open_browser
Open in browser $$1| C:\_pathtoscript\open_browser.ahk "$$1"
then create a dosearch alias :
regex : ^php (.*)
php $$1 | dosearch +folder_with_php_function_text_files +open_browser $$1
open_browser.ahk is as follows :
SplitPath, 1, name, dir, ext, name_no_ext, drive
as you see, it is a bit cumbersome but it WORKS exactly as expected (if i understood well)
now obviously one need to have autohotkey installed for that setup to work or i could send you a compiled version...
a new feature would simplify the process... and eliminate the need of autohotkey (or any other scripting langage)
in this alias :
Open in browser $$1| C:\_pathtoscript\open_browser.ahk "$$1"
$$1 refers to the full file name (with its path)
if we had some special FARR function to split that path
then we would have :
Open in browser $$1|$$1,"only file name")
an other idea :
it would be great to have a new command :
dosearchfile "C:\...\functionlist.txt" +open_browser $$1
just specify a file and FARR searches it line by line...
i am not saying a plugins would not be great, however i think using core functions of FARR is almost enough to achieve Veign's idea
to be short... let me say that I am much much more excited by new core functions/features for FARR than anything else... it just opens new horizons each time