I am looking at the bookmark managing/synch'ing area again and have tried a few online options but the management of things is just too slow online, no matter what they try.
I tried again pretty much everything mentioned in this thread and at the moment my 2 favorites are Outertech's linkman and resort labs' link commander
Linkman: I really like the small toolbar that linkman leaves at the bottom of the screen, I can see that having this I might just use it and never use my browser's bookmarks. When I had it on I would actually click on that to add a bookmark instead of my browser's add and I loved how it warned me of duplicates. It was also as-you-type search always visible but without using much space.
I also kind of like the idea that you can have your browser's bookmarks open in the second pane, so you can control the synchronisation, but in practice I just don't seem to get around to using it, anduse that bit less than in a tool with preview or properties.
It is quite fast and powerful, the search worked really well, has all the tools I could think of needing. I only miss an internal quick view browser, somehow it helps me when checking bookmarks as it reminds me what the site was. There are a lot more features which I am not at all sure what they mean or how useful they are, but that's just typical of me :\
I had a weird issue with the trial locking up after less than a week and contacted the developer, and got a quick response, plus a follow up email when there was a new version released. Which is very nice and professional.
I almost registered this one years ago so maybe this time around I should
Link Commander: I find link commander quite intuitive to use for management, in a way more so than linkman. Somehow I just *like* it better. It integrates very well with opera, i can even look up the history or list of all open tabs, live, and allow me to bookmark them in bulk. It was very easy to clean, move, manage the bookmarks, but unlike linkman I didnt find myself using it to add the bookmarks while browsing. On the other hand the build in browser comes in handy for me, and it keeps a screenie if i want it, and I found I did spend a bit more time getting keywords and meta information than I ever did with linkman - in summary I used it only for managing/cleaning the bookmarks, but I used it more as it made that bit feel easier.
So I used linkman more when in conjunction with my browser, and link commander more for the move-tag-check of links. Ugh, need more cash to spend!
Between the two I am torn
must try a bit longer