That sounds very strange,
I registered WinRAR back in... humm... it was the very first thing I registered when I finally got a VISA card, so it's quite a few years ago. And I've just checked, it works fine with the latest 4.10 beta 5.
Deal with instead of 
I'm actually surprised they still offer lifetime upgrades, and IMHO it's a big failure for companies to do so. Eventually, they'll have saturated their user base, and then they'll have to launch new products or pull some nasty tricks and drop the lifetime upgrade support. Better to be realistic...
And besides that, the .rar fileformat doesn't have any (big) benefits over the other compressed fileformats that makes it worth to pay for.
Nor the illusion of 'support' from any of these suppliers.-Ath
It wasn't until 7-zip that there was a competitive compression format with both speed and size - and it took a while before 7-zip on high compression settings got fast. And are there any of the other archivers that support advanced features like saving NTFS alternate data streams and security ACLs? On top of that, WinRAR has pretty flexible commandline support, and at least 7-zip comes nowhere near that.
I also find the GUIs of the other archivers I've tried to be, well, sucky. WinRAR is lean and mean :-)
That said, it's 7-zip I put on friends and relatives computers, since it fits their needs and is gratis. Heck, it (mostly) fits my needs too, and I also do like that the archive format and code is open. These days, I could probably live with the less polished product, since I mostly do unarchiving and my archiving is scripted through the commandline...