I'm a newby with a problem. I found CpuEaterVs.exe in the Process Tamer's Program folder after I regained control of my computer about 30 minutes after ProcessTamerTray.exe went wild and started using 99+% of my CPU. I noticed that the file was modified in 2005 whereas everything else was more recent. Because of the file's descriptive name I zipped the file and deleted the original. Would someone please tell me whether it is actually part of Process Tamer. If it is, would someone please tell me why Process Tamer started "eating" my CPU. I had used Process Tamer successfully for about two days before the malfunction occurred.
I did have the box checked which forced ProcessTamerTray.exe and ProcessConfigurater.exe to high priority. The only process I explicitly added to the Configuration Gui was msimn.exe (Outlook Express), which I had to force Process Tamer to ignore after I began to experience an "Outlook Express has experienced an unknown error and has to close now" error message. I also had the "Tame Applications Based On CPU Usage" checked, CPU Usage Trigger Low = 08, CPU Usage High = 85, and Min. Change Interval(s) = 20. I had the CPU Usage Measurement Smoothing Over Time pointer set to the 11th vertical mark from the right. I had all "Show System Tray Balloon Messages" boxes checked and no "Foreground Process Special Handling" boxes checked. Thanks in advance for your help with this problem.
Max Heisenberg