« on: January 13, 2007, 04:44 PM »
Continuing our series of posts on clock gadgets, here's a new one...
Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock
Exciting Features of the Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock SBB500SS
* Powerful 12V bed shaker
* Pulsating flash alert lights
* Hi/Low dimmer switch
* Extra loud 113dB audio alarm with adjustable tone and volume control
* Sound and vibration notification only
* Battery backup maintains time and alarm settings in the event of a power failure
Also known as "The Bomb", the Sonic Bomb Alarm clock from Sonic Alert has been designed for guys of all ages.
Designed with a stealth gray color and red controls, it also dimmer switch for seeing the display at night and pulsating alert lights.
The Sonic Bomb comes complete with powerful super-charged bed shaker and has a turbo-charged 113dB extra loud audio alarm.
from http://crave.cnet.com/
Kenneth P. Reeder, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
Jacksonville, North Carolina 28546
« Last Edit: January 13, 2007, 04:48 PM by mouser »