For the filename format templates
i wanna suggest more %placeholder% like:
- %title descrition% of the captured window e.g. "Start new topic - Microsoft Internet Explorer 003.gif"
or "Desktop 002.gif"
or "Workplace 004.png"
if there are no windows title avaible.
This way i get the name of the app in the filename at easy.
Another ideais to store the capture mode in the file name like
- %CapMode% to get
"NewApp Fixed size 160x120.tif"
Or to store the resolution i set the captured image
- ( %Res% ) to get
"ScreenShot- ( 80x60 ).png"
"ScreenShot- ( 320x240 ).png"
to see what is my thumpnail and what is the full picture
Just a few ideas, not necessary any way
(without thoose about windows title, thought )