This is my experience this morning installing Alpha v2.00.135 on 4 computers.
1. WinXP sp2, 512 RAM AV is Computer Associates & Windows Defender, updating from Alpha 2.00.xx?- HAD THIS GLITCH
2. WinXP sp2, 2 G RAM AV is Computer Associates & Windows Defender, updating from Alpha 2.00.xx?- HAD THIS GLITCH
3. WinXP sp2 1 G RAM AV is Computer Associates, updating from Alpha 2.00.xx?- DID NOT HAVE THIS GLITCH
4. Win2000, sp4 128 RAM, AV is AVG free, SpyWare is AVG free - HAD THIS GLITCH
BTW - I don't know why I went to the trouble to stop a process, it works just as well to stop the already installed FARR from SysTray. (like Mouser's message says)