mouser, a multi-layered problem using FARR to run "add-remove program" (ARP).
1. FARR's ARP link doesn't work for me, either from FARR or directly from explorer. When it's invoked, nothing happens.
2. FARR's other CPL links seem to work fine, which is puzzling to me since (browsing their guts) they all seem to point to C:\WINDOWS\.... which does not exist on my system (my system is in D:\WINNT\). I guess Windows is smart enough to translate C:\WINDOWS to the actual system dir.
3. I have my own shortcut to ARP (it refers to D:\WINNT\...) which works fine from explorer but does not work from FARR (FARR finds it ok but when it is invoked, nothing happens, just as with FARR's own shortcut.) I
reported this 3 months ago. At the time, you informed me that FARR now provides a full set of control panel links. From my response at the time, it appears that I was then able to run ARP using the FARR shortcut, but I don't actually remember this, and I'm not sure I really believe it given the above.
I'm running Win2K SP4.
Edit: Further investigation... this does not seem to be a FARR-specific issue. I wrote a batch file which invokes my own ARP link. If I call the batch file from within a command-line window, ARP starts, but if I invoke it from explorer, it does not. So there's something very screwy on my system about within what context ARP will start or not. I will not be able to spend much time investigating this further, unfortunately.
P.S. Could somebody else who runs Win2K on drive D: please try starting ARP using FARR's CP shortcut?