At last, here they are, my nany mug pics:
Cody Mug for NANY ParticipantsDirectly behind me, in front of my pc case that is being blocked by my head in the first pic, is my jar of chocolate cody coins.
Cody Mug for NANY ParticipantsBehind me, on the shelf and on top of my scanner, are my 'dead friends'...and yes, one has her own pc.
Cody Mug for NANY ParticipantsBy my speakers are my animal friends. I only know the name of one of them...Woe the Doe. (she has this 'woe is me' look on her face and I didn't have the heart to let her be thrown in the trash, so I rescued her from my daughter.)
Cody Mug for NANY ParticipantsAnd hanging above my desk, which you can't see in the first picture, is my special dollar. It's the first dollar I ever made from programming, signed by the more than wonderful, generous person that gave it to me, who's nany mug pic is on my monitor in the first photo.

Cody Mug for NANY Participants