another feature... the ability to remove formatting from text in the clipboard (essentially what is achieved when you paste formatted text into notepad and re-copy it). i hate copying something from the web and having it full of tables and crap. another problem when copying text from a browser is that images are not retained. word seems to be one of the few programs that get around this by automatically downloading the images in the background when it is pasted. it would be *really* useful if Clip&Spell (my vote for a name) would automatically detect web references to images and insert them appropriately. the current solution is to paste into word and then re-copy it and paste into the program of choice. and, finally, the option to "remove formatting except for images". this would reduce the clipboard contents to plain text except that images are retained. i am not sure how the clipboard handles rich text that is copied. if it is not possible to have both plain text and images simultaneously, then Clip&Spell would have to treat it kind of like a macro where it pastes:
- the first block of text
- then the 1st image
- then another block of text
- then the 2nd image, etc.
anyway, this would be very useful to anyone who does a lot of internet research or those who archive interesting articles (html never pastes properly).