My boss is into 3D printers. He bought his first kit some 7 or maybe 8 years ago. A brand no-one has heard of, and he had to figure almost everything out himself as documentation for it was very sparse. As were parts. He had to build sections of it, that enabled him to create the parts he needed to complete the base of this printer.
Some 4 years ago, he got a resin printer From Elegoo: (some name) 2.
With that one I played around too. These were (and are) nice 3D printers to get your hands wet on. You shouldn't though, getting your hands wet with 3D printing resin is very hazardous for your health. And it has a very distinct and very "chemical" smell. Gloves and face-mask are recommended with these printers. Software and getting acquainted with 3D printing concepts, that I found to be very easy with resin printers. And the print quality of those prints...really amazing in detail and smoothness.
The first 3D printer only had a bed of 25 x 25 cm (10 x 10 inch), don't know the height. The resin printer is even smaller, 10 x 15 x 15 cm or so.
But last year he bought a new Voron printer (model 2.4, I believe) with a bed of 35 x 35 x 35 cm. He is still busy building that one up to his own desired specs and needs.
So, if you are of the tinkering "tribe", Voron's are very capable and versatile. If you are not, 3D resin printers are nowadays very fast and pretty capable too. And also have much larger print beds and way higher printing resolution than the Elegoo one I have here at my disposal.
If resin is not your liking, or you want to be able to make prints using different/stronger/tougher material or with more than one color, Bambu and Prussia models are your best/safest bet.
Bambu printers, especially the multi-color ones, do produce quite some 'poop' and their models are also kinda picky about the brands/rolls of print material you need to buy to use them properly. That could be something of a concern.
A youtube channel about 3D printers (and printing) I found to be quite interesting is called '
Uncle Jessy'.