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Author Topic: Practical Space  (Read 4596 times)


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Practical Space
« on: July 20, 2021, 09:15 AM »
Today, I thought of a practical value for space - I mean outer space!

I was watching this video where an astrophysicist explains gravity and she mentioned that astronauts actually get taller in space because gravity is not always scrunching their spines.

We all have neck and back problems, right?

Well, what if you could pay someone to put you into anti-gravity for several weeks in order to release all the tension in your neck, back and muscles?  It would be a fitness routine in anti-gravity.  An anti-grav gym!  Think of it!  Go into a special fitness spaceship and get your exercise routines, health-diet, massage therapy and chiropractic for two or three weeks straight.

A fitness-space cruise!

Yeah it would be expensive, but after time things could calm down to a normal consumer level like other gyms.

This would make space to actually have practical value for practical people.  It would pave the way for colonizing the moon - think of the trails we could build on the moon - what kind of exercise would you get for your moon-mountain bike!  The commerce that would be caused in the fitness-space cruise would make it more sustainable for colonizing the moon.  Wouldn't a moon-based campus be more practical and spatious than being cooped up in a teeny modular spaceship?

But really, the space-fitness stuff could be carried out still in close orbit and wouldn't require the resources of a full-fledged spaceship, for now.  All we need for that is an good-sized anti-gravity chamber.


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Re: Practical Space
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2021, 09:55 AM »
Wonderful! Another thing to keep in mind: we ARE perpetually living IN space, only within a  "reality bubble" or "domain" that has gravity.

Just as a brainstorm: Neutralizing/balancing gravity locally may be the best way of preparing a certain local space for a "space gym" within Earth. Sort of leveraging the natural levity dynamic to our advantage (think "centrifugal/centripetal dance" in a very light fluid, first balancing then flipping the side that's winning).

It would be creating a local "space gym" right here on Earth, purely via fields... (hey! this is the "living room" section, anything goes :) )

--Please go on, I'm a total fan of finding use for the most universal resource there is: space itself :up:
My name's Victor but do feel free to call me Vic! (now known as "paradisusvic")

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« Last Edit: July 20, 2021, 12:17 PM by publicdomain »


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Re: Practical Space
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2021, 10:26 AM »
Wonderful! Another thing to keep in mind: we ARE perpetually living IN space, only within a "reality bubble" or "domain" that has gravity.

Just as a brainstorm: Neutralizing/balancing gravity locally may be the best way of preparing a certain local space for a "space gym" within Earth. Sort of leveraging the natural levity dynamic to our advantage (think "centrifugal/centripetal dance" in a very light fluid, first balancing then flipping the side that's winning).
-publicdomain (July 20, 2021, 09:55 AM)

Well, gravity is the problem that is the root cause of our neck and back aches.  It is a moot point that earth has gravity.
We still don't have any kind of real anti-gravity chamber comparable to one of our spaceships.  Nobody will pay to live in a centrifical force tank nor a water tank for weeks on end.  But people *would* pay for a fitness trip to space or near space.


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Re: Practical Space
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2021, 11:16 AM »
You're right! With current tech near-space orbit would be the appealing choice for a viable business today . Perhaps this was a case of "topic focus mismatch"

...was thinking in terms of gravity control via EM fields dynamics.

(i.e. thinking about Nassim Haramein, et al., --on the fringes)

By all means please go on! I'm always keen to hear about viable technologies for harnessing space itself :Thmbsup:

P.S: /Vic silently goes back to coding July releases until the harmonious abundance network is online next month.
P.P.S. ("Practical Space" rings very close to my heart; to me, space is the ultimate universally-shared resource) Rest assured only light-hearted interaction @ the living room intended I'm all-in on Harmony & Love in here :-* Cheers!
My name's Victor but do feel free to call me Vic! (now known as "paradisusvic")

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« Last Edit: July 20, 2021, 12:11 PM by publicdomain »


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Re: Practical Space
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2021, 02:04 PM »
Well, gravity is the problem that is the root cause of our neck and back aches.  It is a moot point that earth has gravity.
We still don't have any kind of real anti-gravity chamber comparable to one of our spaceships.

Well, there is the "vomit comet". For a few seconds at a time you actually can experience weightlessness, in a jet that flies down at a very steep angle. It then also needs to get back to proper heights at a similar angle...hence the name "vomit comet". NASA uses this to give (would be) astronauts a chance to experience weightlessness and to see who literally has the stomach for that job.