That is a syntax error.
I totally agree. It's just not a well-formed text.
Phrase was "meet at 9.7 ppl join"
You see, the dot seperates two sentences and is not meant as fraction seperator in that phrase.
Don't confuse what makes sense in the real world and what is meaningful computationally!

Since LimitPad is meant to be a stand-alone plain text processor of sorts, helpful especially for online forms that require limited text, I have a few more ideas (dunno how you feel about them)!
1. I realize that some forms also have a minimum requirement (e.g., there has to be a minimum 150 chars for example before the form is accepted).
Since the solution for extra text would be to change the font color to red, I was thinking of how to visualize "still missing text". The only thing that I can think of is to change the bgcolor to a light red for the first n-defined chars spaces (which disappears when text is inputted).
What do you think? Maybe you or someone can think of a more elegant solution...
2. Along this line of reasoning, in the original case of maximum limit of n chars, it might be nice to have an option to see the available space even when nothing is there, something like seeing where the limit it by having the n+1 space bgcolor as light red.
This way I know how much space I still have to type. All text after that point becomes red (or you could keep it black with the light red bgcolor).
I'm quite excited about this project! I think it'll be quite useful! I know a lot of online websites where you have to insert feedback or upload information in text fields, so this will be useful! Most of them have character limits, so it's great you're focusing on that, and having word limits as an ulterior option is great!
I was thinking of future development (yes! even before you've published this!) Another idea for LimitPad is to include a minimal UI which resembles traditional wordpad (Think: Plain Text Wordpad!). I don't think this is high priority, but just to think about if you want to make it more aesthetically appealing/more marketable (I'm thinking something as easy as this:
Some minimal pseudo-formatting can happen with plain text (like what I'm doing below!), for example you could select the text or place in the document and via icons in the menu bar create:
- lists can be created with an asterisk or a dash and a space
- indent would be three spaces
- BOLD is all-caps
- you could insert horizontal "line" dividers with symbols like overlines or tildes
- If you define characters per line, you can have left/center/right justification
- You could eventually even add a spell-check
- etc.
There are lots of ways to create visual formatting even of plain text, or even to manipulate (convert case, upside-down text, and other more gimmicky stuff). But like I said, I would rather have a good release version of the base program first, and these are all things you could think about if you want to continue development!
I hope @publicdomain you're as excited as I am! Thanks again for your time and effort!!