Is there a way to turn off this evil behavior?
Okay, I've opened the "
Holy Stop" repository to work on a solution that blocks the events based on a bool/flag + a KB/mouse hook.
Let's call the boolean "blockScaling".
A: Mouse wheel scroll, no control/Ctrl key.
B: Ctrl key
down, no mouse wheel.
C: ctrl+MouseWheel.
D: Ctrl key
up, no mouse wheel.
A, then C: blockScaling = true;
(Assume momentum scroll)
B: blockScaling = false;
(Assume manual keypress / intent)
D: blockScaling = true;
(Assume end of user intent)
IF ctrl+MouseWheel AND blockScaling = false then
ALLOW ctrl+MouseWheel
BLOCK ctrl+MouseWheel
The idea being to ENSURE you have clicked CONTROL
down before allowing the passing/processing of ctrl+MouseWheel for regular text scaling.
When it's the WM_MOUSEWHEEL message with no modifier, disable it until next manual intent on Ctrl keydown.
This can work, so it's worth a try for a February release
