I did get another chance -- I seem to get error messages no matter what I do:
1) With exe, pressing enter after F7 gets same error as above
2) with AHK file, pressing enter/spacebar/left-click after F7 gets:
Error: 0x8000FFFF - Catastrophic failure
Specifically: hwnd
216: Hotkey,Lbutton,hotkey_lbutton,vState
217: Hotkey,Esc,hotkey_esc,vState
218: }
224: {
225: vHwnd := WinActive("ahk_class CabinetWClass")
226: if (vHwnd)
227: For window, in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
---> 228: if (window.hwnd = vHwnd)
229: {
230: path := window.Document.Folder.Self.Path
232: Return,SubStr(path, 1, 2) = "::" ? "" : path
233: }
234: }
244: {
246: vHwnd := vHwnd ? vHwnd : WinExist("A")
Continue running the script?
Yes No
3) I get the same error using a different folder -- note it does find the folder and displays the correct file
Do you think is it to do with it being a user account? (UAC at "Default", which appears to be high). I can try it in the admin account, but not tonight ;-)