Do you mean the keys to send should be configurable or that my program has a configurable hotkey?
Yes and yes.
Ouch and Okay.... a micro bit too late for todays release what might be last release.
Configurable Keys that can be send I will integrate if that what I today present is useable at all.
My own application and Hotkey there might be a chance that I integrate such aswell even if for myself I consider it very dangerous.
(pressing hotkey while wrong process is/was selected might end bad...)
SendKeys (c) KodeZwerg
Version: Contro-Edition
Version: working Alpha
Q: Whats the point?
A: This application will send keys to any third-party target application.
1. Start application. Try 32 or 64 bit to find your target.
2. Choose by Icon or Executable or Title a target process.
3. Adjust loops.
4. Push "Send CTRL-Z to selected" if you think you know what you are doing.
Personal Comments:
I do not know if I am able to continue this project.
Because of that you get what I have done so far.
Why I might step-back from this project:
To track 32 and 64 bit processes within one build is for me ATM not possible.
I would need to invest time to that matter, what I currently can not spend.
Filter out more "unwanted" results needs also more research.
I do not much error checking in that programming state (alpha),
during that stage I do push up code to do what I want.
Due to that,
if you have selected a wrong Item it might result in strange Windows behavior!!!
If I did not told you that,
if you have selected a wrong Item it might result in strange Windows behavior!!!
That said, if you select correct Item and press button all should work flawless.
Anyway, do not blame me for errors.
for now the only keys that will be send are "CONTROL + Z".
my application does not have it's own hotkey by now, so don't search.
32 bit build works for 32 bit applications,
64 bit build works for 64 bit applications.
loop range is from 1 up to 99.
listview does not autoupdate itself, you must re-run my application.
How it works:
1. Gather all Window-Handles together
2. Filter out alot of unwanted entries
3. collect more info for remaining entries
4. fill results in a listview
5. wait for user to select something
6. wait for user to press button
7. execute my sendkey method
7-1. bring target process window to foreground
7-2. send keys to whatever window is in foreground
7-3. jump to 7-1 until loop ends
8. done.
ps: for now it is still overloaded with too much results, thats why I also added "Title" "Handle" and "PID" so you may determine the correct process.
Here you see 64 bit in action where I have choosen Notepad as my target.