I was thinking it would be nice to add some ability to add functions that you could run through F&R robot,
like to be able to things like shutdown computer, etc.
but i was thinking maybe the cleanest most flexible way to do this is not to reinvent new features in f&r but rather use windows scripting and the normal ability of F&R to search shortcuts, and just maybe make it a tiny bit easier to work with.
so i was thinking to include with the next version some basic scripts in a subdir called Scripts, and automatically add this directory by default at the top of the search list with a reasonably high score bias.
scripts might include things like shutting down the computer, or performing operations like reporting disk usage, etc.
so you would hit break and then type "shutdown" and it would find the shutdown script and show it at top, etc.
if anyone has any scripts to recommend or can help me find scripts that would be useful i'd be happy to add them to the next release.
i could also add some minimal functionality to aid in working with scripts (ie editing and adding new ones).