Searching for articles I found this in amazon :
What do you think ?
I have heard in the past about similar things.
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It's too bad it costs so much @ $250, plus the need for a tablet to work in tandem with the headband piece, for I believe the product to have an awesome potential due to its dynamic bio-feedback function.
In reading about it, I was reminded of my former employer's yearly hearing loss monitoring tests because of the noisy environment I worked in. You would sit in a soundproof booth with a pair of earphones on and a pushbutton gripper in your hand. In dead silence, a faint pure frequency audio tone would slowly become more and more audible, and you were supposed to press the button the instant you began to hear the faintest trace of tone signal, causing it to fade just in and out of ultimate audiblity. Each time, the tone would come to one ear, and then the other. Then the next time, it would come at a different frequency. There it 'hovered' -so to speak- suspended deep in my mind, in the innermost center of my subjective consciousness. The effect was deeply trancelike, almost spellbinding, and infinitely soothing to the nervous system.
I wish I could afford to get this device, but I shall console myself with what I already have, such as these two 'throbber' binaural tone signals:
1hr Delta Binaural Beat Session (3hz) ~ Pure1hr Delta Binaural Beat Session (0.9hz) ~ PureWikipedia article giving an explanation of binaural beats: Beat (acoustics)Quote:
A binaural beat is an auditory illusion perceived when two different pure-tone sine waves, both with frequencies lower than 1500 Hz, with less than a 40 Hz difference between them, are presented to a listener dichotically (one through each ear).There are other ways to achieve a therapeutic 'altered' state of mind: in a mental concentration exercise, one is instructed to look at the circular dial face of an analog timepiece such as a wall clock, bedside clock, or wristwatch, and focus exclusively on the tip of the second hand as it sweeps the face of the clock making one complete revolution every 60 seconds. The object of the exercise is to deliberately eliminate all intellectual thoughts of speech or word verbalization both out loud and mentally in the mind. The instant a thought of a word forms in one's consciousness, one is to start over. Functionally speaking, you don't have to quit and wait for the second hand to reach 12 in order to start again; just mentally note the instant you formed a word or sentence fragment and start over from that point wherever you may be on the dial. You are to restart again and again, striving for inner mastery. Novices may anticipate success rates of just a few seconds, up to the better portion of a full minute. Pros may expect to achieve several minutes at a time. The exercise is to be performed for ten minutes at a time, or however portion of that interval you may manage before inner fatigue forces you to quit the exercise for the day. Especially for novices, ten minutes per day is the recommended limit not to exceed, as the exercise can be surprisingly rigorous.
I have never been able to achieve the goal of a full ten minutes of speechless and wordless concentration at a time, and I usually resort to doing it nowadays when I have found it useful to distract my physical mind and phase out because of suffering from illness, injury, or stress.
One may see the similarities between this and the Neurofeedback device; an inner state of mind is approached, in which the formation of words becomes the means of which one directs one's mind to refocus again and again as a form of inner meditation.
Then again, often I just commune with our cat as she relaxes purring beside me.