<# This form was created using POSHGUI.com a free online gui designer for PowerShell
Function FileBrowser {
$objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
$objForm.Description = "Select folder containing files"
$objForm.SelectedPath = [System.Environment+SpecialFolder]'MyComputer'
$objForm.ShowNewFolderButton = $false
$result = $objForm.ShowDialog()
if ($result -eq "OK") {
return $objForm.SelectedPath
} else {
return ""
#region begin GUI{
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$Form = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form
$Form.ClientSize = '400,350'
$Form.text = "Refile"
$Form.TopMost = $false
$TextBox1 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$TextBox1.multiline = $false
$TextBox1.width = 225
$TextBox1.height = 21
$TextBox1.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(85,19)
$TextBox1.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,12'
$TextBox2 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$TextBox2.multiline = $false
$TextBox2.width = 225
$TextBox2.height = 21
$TextBox2.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(85,60)
$TextBox2.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,12'
$Button1 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button1.text = "..."
$Button1.width = 40
$Button1.height = 30
$Button1.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(323,17)
$Button1.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,12'
$Button2 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button2.text = "..."
$Button2.width = 40
$Button2.height = 30
$Button2.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(323,58)
$Button2.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,12'
$Label1 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label1.text = "Source:"
$Label1.AutoSize = $true
$Label1.width = 25
$Label1.height = 10
$Label1.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(20,19)
$Label1.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,12'
$Label2 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label2.text = "Dest:"
$Label2.AutoSize = $true
$Label2.width = 25
$Label2.height = 10
$Label2.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(20,59)
$Label2.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,12'
$ComboBox1 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$ComboBox1.width = 80
$ComboBox1.height = 20
@('1','2','3','4','5') | ForEach-Object {[void
] $ComboBox1.Items.Add
($_)} $ComboBox1.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(230,190)
$ComboBox1.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,12'
$Label3 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label3.text = "Use first x characters:"
$Label3.AutoSize = $true
$Label3.width = 25
$Label3.height = 10
$Label3.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(60,193)
$Label3.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,12'
$Label4 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label4.text = "or"
$Label4.AutoSize = $true
$Label4.width = 25
$Label4.height = 10
$Label4.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(188,160)
$Label4.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,12'
$TextBox3 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$TextBox3.multiline = $false
$TextBox3.width = 80
$TextBox3.height = 20
$TextBox3.Text = ''
$TextBox3.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(230,130)
$TextBox3.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,12'
$TextBox4 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$TextBox4.multiline = $false
$TextBox4.width = 80
$TextBox4.height = 20
$TextBox4.Text = 'txt'
$TextBox4.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(230,95)
$TextBox4.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,12'
$Label5 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label5.text = "Separator (eg. -):"
$Label5.AutoSize = $true
$Label5.width = 25
$Label5.height = 10
$Label5.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(60,130)
$Label5.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,12'
$Label6 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label6.text = "Extension (eg. pdf):"
$Label6.AutoSize = $true
$Label6.width = 25
$Label6.height = 10
$Label6.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(60,95)
$Label6.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,12'
$Button3 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button3.text = "Go"
$Button3.width = 60
$Button3.height = 30
$Button3.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(165,240)
$Button3.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,12'
$Button4 = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button4.text = "Create 50 test files in Source"
$Button4.width = 140
$Button4.height = 50
$Button4.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(120,285)
$Button4.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,10'
$TextBox1.Text = (FileBrowser)
$TextBox2.Text = (FileBrowser)
if (!(($TextBox1.Text -eq '') -and ($TextBox2.Text -eq ''))) {
$dest = $TextBox2.Text
$files = Get-ChildItem "$($TextBox1.Text)\*.$($TextBox4.Text)" -File
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $files.Count; $i++) {
$folder = $null
if ($TextBox3.Text -eq '') {
$folder = (Split-Path -Leaf $files[$i]).Substring(0, $ComboBox1.SelectedItem).Trim()
} else {
$sep = (Split-Path -Leaf $files[$i]).IndexOf($TextBox3.Text)
switch ($sep) {
-1 {continue}
0 {$folder = (Split-Path -Leaf $files[$i]).Substring(0, 1).Trim()
default {$folder = (Split-Path -Leaf $files[$i]).Substring(0, $sep).Trim()}
if ($folder -ne $null) {
if (!(Test-Path "$($dest)\$($folder)")) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory "$($dest)\$($folder)"
Move-Item $files[$i] "$($dest)\$($folder)\$((Split-Path -Leaf $files[$i]))"
if (!($TextBox1.Text -eq '')) {
# Set the initial value to control the do loop
$seed = 0
# How many files should be generated
$random = 50
# File size in bytes
$ranSize = 4096
# Path where the file will be created
$ranPath = "$($TextBox1.Text)\"
do {
$netFn = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()
$netfn = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($netFn, $TextBox4.Text)
fsutil file createnew $ranPath$netFn $ranSize
} until ($seed -eq $random)
#endregion events }
#endregion GUI }
#Write your logic code here