Welcome to my little chatty fun project!
What's the point: hmmm Chat!
Little more information:
You will need the Server file for the Server and the Client for the Clients, sound good, right? :]
ATM no security, all transmission is pure !!!
No file send/receive possible, soon!
How to:
Run server application on Server, press 'Start' (firewall might pop up to ask for permission)
Server Bug: ATM a wrong IP for server is returned, so get it via "cmd -> ipconfig" or elsewhere.
Run Client application, press menu "Tools -> Configuration" and enter the port and IP from Server application.
Press "Store settings", back in main press "connect", if everything setted up okay, you will know it
Things on my ToDo list:
- show correct IP on Server application
- implement UPD Data transmission for files
- implement "Rooms & Private Chats"
- implement security in severall ways (help -> manual shows a bit wich things i plan)
- Change Name of Applications
Have fun, i'm ready for critic, hate and love or other suggestions