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Author Topic: comparative study of international acceptance of evolution  (Read 10834 times)


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I post this without comment:

Science has just published a short comparative study of international acceptance of evolution. ..



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Re: comparative study of international acceptance of evolution
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2006, 01:24 PM »
You know, evolution as a theory may have a few problems, but it's a long jump from "the theory of evolution is incomplete" to "it's false". I'm kind of dismayed as a resident of the US, but not really surprised I suppose. *sigh*

Edit: someone correlated this with "happiest nations on Earth". Apparently Denmark is #1, but look at the list that follows:

Following behind Denmark came Switzerland, Austria, Iceland and the Bahamas.

That sounds like a pretty good list of countries to me. I'm packing my bags right now. :D

- Oshyan
« Last Edit: August 11, 2006, 01:28 PM by JavaJones »


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Re: comparative study of international acceptance of evolution
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2006, 02:08 PM »


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Re: comparative study of international acceptance of evolution
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2006, 11:04 PM »
We have a conservative media and president/congress/courts, etc. in the US that hammer us with christianity in every form of life. Even if we're atheist like myself, we're pressured by government to accept christian rituals and holidays as normal. Darwin's theory is one that has withstood every single challenge. Yet the whole Jesus was god/Heaven as Lottery myth still lures them into god-belief. Sad stat that americans are so ignorant, but living here all my life, I know that!

PS: Will someone in Norway or Switzerland adopt me? I'm not picky. Any castle will do.


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Re: comparative study of international acceptance of evolution
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2006, 11:29 PM »
I'd go for Switzerland. Have you seen their countryside? My god, one of the most beautiful *countries* on Earth I dare say! It says something that J.R.R. Tolkien modelled some of his most mystical places after parts of Switzerland. :D

- Oshyan


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Re: comparative study of international acceptance of evolution
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2006, 11:58 PM »
Zane, are you watching the same media as the rest of us?  Conservative media is such an oxymoron, I think you must be joking.  And did you really say conservative courts?  You mean the ones who create laws from the bench?  And demand states create laws to accomodate homosexual marriage?

BTW Darwin's "Theory" does not have enough backing to merit the actual designation of Theory.  Darwin himself said his hypothesis would be defeated if there were not an abundance of transitional forms in the fossil record.  To date, there are no, none, zero substantiated transitional forms discovered.

Junk science and agressive atheism has perverted the scientific community resulting in a thing called "Natural Science" which is what the kiddies study in most schools today.   Natural Science by definition assumes that there is nothing super-natural.  According to its rules all observations must be made through the lens of atheism; which is the pre-assumed answer to the question "is there a god?" instead of investigating the possability.

Bottom line is that evolution* is a political position that can't stand up to actual analysis.  It's just being pumped out so often by the media machine, no one questons it any more.

Since this is DC and not a political or theological forum, I will give everyone the last word and drop the subject.

*macro evolution:  species to species transformation.  adaption is not evolution; they are distinctly different items.
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Re: comparative study of international acceptance of evolution
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2006, 03:29 AM »
should have dropped it immediately


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Re: comparative study of international acceptance of evolution
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2006, 10:27 AM »
I recommend deleting this topic, there are too many conflicting viewpoints here and debate on the issue I fear could turn ugly.


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Re: comparative study of international acceptance of evolution
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2006, 11:10 AM »
Wow, the .US is *that* bad?  :o :o :o
- carpe noctem


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Re: comparative study of international acceptance of evolution
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2006, 02:22 PM »
Zane, are you watching the same media as the rest of us?  Conservative media is such an oxymoron, I think you must be joking.  And did you really say conservative courts?  You mean the ones who create laws from the bench?  And demand states create laws to accomodate homosexual marriage?

BTW Darwin's "Theory" does not have enough backing to merit the actual designation of Theory.  Darwin himself said his hypothesis would be defeated if there were not an abundance of transitional forms in the fossil record.  To date, there are no, none, zero substantiated transitional forms discovered.
This is usually such a friendly place that I hesitate to weigh in on this, but this is clearly intended as an attack and I just cannot let it go completely unanswered. The problem with America lately is largely one of incivility.  The essence of conservatism is that only one answer is possible, and it must be mine.  Anyone who dares to suggest that any conservative might possibly be mistaken in any regard is instantly attacked like this. Liberals are at a disadvantage because the heart of liberal thought is that there may be other answers, and that honest people can disagree. 
So with all due respect, if conservative media is impossible, who are Sean Hannity, Bill O'reilly, Ann Coulter, Arrianna Huffington and every single host of every talk radio program?
I suspect that any comment on conservative courts is probably directed at courts that allow the 10 commandments to be displayed but not a copy of the Talmud, or that allow creationism to be taught as science.
Any working scientist will tell you that Darwin's Theory is a theory in exactly the same way that Newton's theory of gravity is.  Any biologist will tell you that evolution absolutely does not require transitional forms.  The only place I have ever read anything about a requirement for transitional forms was in diatribes written by Jerry Falwell and his ilk.  It is certainly not in Origin of Species or Descent of Man. 
BTW, Zane, shame on you, too.  Your comment was no less incendiary. 
My point is that Americans are slowly sliding into the dark ages, not because of right wing religious radicals or evil liberal evolutionists, but because of the decline of civil discourse.  The Karl Roves and James Carvills (did I really just misspell both those names? :o)  of this world have convinced us that anyone who disagrees with us is evil and dangerous and must be silenced at all costs.  The Democrats warn us that all Republicans are planning to establish a police state in which all education will be rote learning of Bible verses and the Republicans warn us that any victory of any Democrat will immediately result in the establishment of mandatory homosexuality and bible burnings, and sooner or later we decide that they are both right.  The world is a scary place and only absolute certainty can save us, so no one can be allowed to really discuss anything.  Discussion requires accepting the most dangerous of all possible beliefs: there is some chance that we might not be right :'(
Civil discourse mandates a kind of new golden rule.  Well, no, I kinda like the current golden rule, so let's call this one a silver rule.  Here it is, the silver rule: Never attribute to malice what ignorance will explain. 
I have no fear of discussing any topic with anyone, if we can agree to limit ourselves to really trying to understand each other's point of view, and if we will both accept that dangerous possibility that we might be wrong. I love discussion, but I cannot abide arguement.  Discussion is an attempt to find truth, arguement is an attempt to prove your opponent wrong and yourself right. 
The fact that a majority of Americans don't know the difference between science and religion doesn't frighten me nearly so much as the fact that we cannot sit down and discuss such things rationally and politely. :(
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Re: comparative study of international acceptance of evolution
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2006, 04:03 PM »
i should have known not to post this, i just liked the graphic so much i couldnt resist.

lets end this thread here unless someone feels incredibly compelled to post.


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Re: comparative study of international acceptance of evolution
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2006, 04:26 PM »
Sorry about posting this but feel its a good read and handles some of the misconceptions :

(I feel compelled to post this)


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Re: comparative study of international acceptance of evolution
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2006, 03:21 AM »
Sorry about posting this but feel its a good read and handles some of the misconceptions :

(I feel compelled to post this)

amen to that.