Just throwing together my other 2019 applications before writing new ones...Application Name | remv |
Version | 2.0.0 |
Short Description | A sane way to rename files/directories with a regular expression. |
Supported OSes | Any, as long as we have a C++17 compiler. |
Web Page | https://www.donation...ndex.php?topic=44941 |
Download Link | Attached in the "website" topic. |
System Requirements | - Binary: Windows.
- Compile yourself: Any that has a new(ish) Clang compiler set.
Version History | |
Author | whatever |
Descriptionremv should solve my regular problem of having to recursively rename files according to a regex pattern.
Features- Renames files and folders.
- Can simulate that as well.
Screenshots(Sorry - attachments don't currently work.)
UsageInstallationUnpack the
.exe anywhere (or build one wherever you want).
Using the Application USAGE:
remv [OPTIONS] <regex> <replacement> [<startpath>]
OPTIONS (any combination):
-r Recurse into subdirectories.
-E Skip file extensions while renaming.
-d Also rename directories on the way.
-s Sets the start directory to the last parameter;
else, remv will start in '.'.
-f Only replaces the first occurrence in each name.
-v Verbose logging.
-vv Very verbose logging.
-n Dry run - don't modify anything just yet.
-V Display the remv version and exit.
-h Display this help screen and exit.
You can use $1, $2 etc. in your replacement strings for back-
UninstallationDelete the executable file. You might want to add its path to your
%PATH% if you want easier access.
Known IssuesIt sucks!