Hi this is my 2018 participation,
Application Name | Clicador |
Version | |
Short Description | A simple and fast free auto clicker. |
Supported OSes | .net4 Windows (XP/Vista/7,8,10,server 2008, server 2012, etc) |
Web Page | http://www.hnsoft.pt/clicador |
Download Link | http://www.hnsoft.pt...Clicador_1.0.1.1.zip |
System Requirements | Any Windows with .net4 framework installed |
Version History | Not implemented |
Author | Hugo Nabais |
DescriptionClicador is basically an auto clicker, that is simple a program that simulates mouse clicking. It's fairly generic and will work alongside any other computer program running at the time and acting as though a physical mouse button is pressed.
There are other free auto clickers, but I had a need for one, and once again I wanted to include some features that I found missing in the other ones.
That's how I created Clicador.
It can be used for many thing, like games, keep alive applications, etc.
Features· All the features a simple autoclicker should have (Number of clicks, interval, mouse button, position clicking, etc).
Unique Features· Info bar, a information bar that is displayed on top of all screens.
· Start delay, how many seconds to wait before starting to click.
· Calculates estimated duration of clicking.
· Ability to remotely start and stop, by putting files on c:\clicador.stop or c:\clicador.start (this features needs improvements)
Planned FeaturesWhat features are you planning to implement in the future?
I need some feedback on that one, I have no idea if people will use this type of software, and what more could they want.
Usage & InstallationRun it from anywhere, portable!
Using the ApplicationSelf explanatory.